RubyGems Navigation menu

rspec-expectations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-expectations

aislefinder 0.0.02

Allows you to find the aisle for groceries per your local super market.

11,446 下載

rankle 0.0.3

Rankle provides multi-resource ranking.

11,106 下載

trace_visualization 0.0.5

Intelligent visualization of software traces

11,027 下載

rsmp_schemer 0.5.0

Validate RSMP message against RSMP JSON Schema. Support validating against core and dif...

10,997 下載

env-danger 0.1.3

Demonstrates the dangers of using ENV to store credentials

10,957 下載

snidely_whiplash 1.1.0

Convert simple partial views into a mustache template.

10,953 下載

procession 0.0.3

Runs a process and blocks until it starts properly

10,919 下載

vagrant-tiktalik 0.0.4

Enables Vagrant to manage machines in Cloud.

10,886 下載

gitlab-monitor 4.2.0

GitLab monitoring tools to use with prometheus

10,768 下載

rsmp_schema 0.7.0

Validate RSMP message against RSMP JSON Schema. Support validating against core and dif...

10,750 下載

xml_split 0.0.2

Split XML files on an element, yielding (streaming, so constant memory usage) each node...

10,601 下載


Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

10,495 下載

sexp2ruby 0.0.4

Generates ruby from RubyParser-compatible S-expressions. It is a fork of ruby2ruby with...

10,489 下載

instance_accountant 0.0.4

The instance_accountant gem is designed to be used to account for hourly resource c...

10,360 下載

sova 0.0.3

CouchDB library

10,294 下載

knife-vcair 0.9.0

VMware vcair support for Chef's Knife command

10,214 下載

vagrant-vcloudair 0.5.3

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud® Air™.

10,145 下載

tinyembedly 0.1.0

A super tiny Embedly oEmbed library, using HTTParty

9,938 下載

looks 0.2.0

Control your Gravatar account from the command line.

9,928 下載

create_table 0.1.0

Analyze and inspect CREATE TABLE SQL statements and translate across databases.

9,835 下載

ucb-hcm 3.2.1

Lightweight wrapper for the UCB HCM Api -

9,804 下載

eoat 0.1.2

Eve Online API toolbox

9,758 下載

nobrainer-rspec 1.1.2

RSpec matches for Nobrainer models, including association and validation matchers.

9,417 下載

sm808 0.1.7

Implements sequence for the famous four on the floor rhythm pattern.

9,375 下載

cartomodel 0.1.3

CartoDB sync for ActiveRecord objects

9,215 下載

vagrant-guests-openbsd 0.0.3

Vagrant Guests Plugin for OpenBSD

9,068 下載

rspec-controller-matchers 0.0.5

Facilitate assertions for common controller responsibilites

9,037 下載

twitter_filter 0.0.5

lets you find the Tweets you want

9,020 下載

bitcoin_reward_era 0.0.3

Bitcoin reward era gem. 100% BigDecimal arithmetic.

8,878 下載

imobis_api 0.0.3

GEM for imobis api

8,836 下載

總下載次數 900,236,414

這個版本 1,869,455



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
