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rspec-core 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rspec-core

activerecord-postgres-copy 0.3.6

This version is obsolete, please use the postgres-copy gem

18,579 下载

vagrant-plugin-dummy 0.0.7

Dummy Guest Support for Vagrant

18,575 下载

oval 0.0.7

Validate options when passed to methods

18,308 下载

rspec-nagios-formatter 0.2.0

A RSpec formatter for the Nagios/Icinga plugin format

17,899 下载

bvm 0.3.3

Generates CSV files that can be consumed by Microsoft Treemapper from the Sonar API. R...

17,358 下载

atomic_assets 0.2.0

Organize, style, and consume atomically designed assets in Ruby on Rails.

17,280 下载

codewars 0.3.1

A command-line tool for Codewars

17,213 下载

power_shop 0.2.4

Simple and flexible Ruby On Rails Ecomerce engine

16,917 下载

emoji-rspec 1.0.1

Custom formatters for RSpec tests.

16,798 下载

tnargav 1.3.6

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

16,593 下载

flickrage 0.1.8

Another one Flickr collage maker CLI.

16,399 下载

qspec 1.0.1

QSpec inserts spec files to a queue. Workers process that queue one by one.

16,279 下载

parallel-rspec 0.1.1

Parallel spec runner for RSpec 3

16,213 下载

rspec_yah_formatter 0.0.8

Rspec html formatter to generate pretty results with images

15,970 下载

compressed_attributes 0.2.2

Use GZIP to compress and decompress attributes on the fly.

15,851 下载

keymap 0.3.2

Helping Ruby developers and their companies, unlock their key-value store data, through...

15,800 下载

rspec-openhab-scripting 1.1.1

Library testing OpenHAB ruby rules with rspec.

15,643 下载

synapse-rubycas-server 1.1.6

Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.

15,292 下载

rspec-change_to_now 1.2.0

RSpec extension gem for attribute matching

15,216 下载

jdbc-nuodb 2.0.3

JRuby JDBC driver for the NuoDB distributed database.

15,206 下载

mutator_rails 0.1.17

Automate mutation testing to find weaknesses in code

15,156 下载

mizuno-aspace 9.4.44

Jetty-powered running shoes for JRuby/Rack.

15,089 下载

similar 0.0.5

Similar is a library of functions to assist in determining the similarity of arbitr...

14,942 下载

rspec_junit_formatter_bitbucket 0.1.0

RSpec Junit Formatter results that your CI can read in Bitbucket Pipeline. Use co...

14,935 下载

organic-sitemap 0.3.0

Lets Users and Bots to create our Sitemap in a organic way.

14,772 下载

rspec-smart-formatter 0.0.4

When you run individual specs, I want to see documentation output, because it shows bet...

14,683 下载

hashnest 0.1.6

Gem for acsess to api HashNest

14,570 下载

vagrant-application-cookbooks 0.1.4

Deploy Chef "Application Cookbooks" directly from a Git repository

14,530 下载

deploy_rubygem 0.60.47

Using Chef cookbook style and force any script using it to switch to chef even if it is...

14,476 下载

vagrant-hp 0.1.4

Enables Vagrant to manage machines on HP Cloud.

14,461 下载

下载总量 897,096,169

这个版本 18,921,884



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.8.7
