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rspec-core 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rspec-core

montage 0.4.0

Even Rocky had a montage.

12,103 下载

sidekiq-amigo 1.8.0

sidekiq-amigo provides a pubsub system and other enhancements around Sidekiq.

12,048 下载

ruby-testrail 1.3.2

Library to integrate Test Suite with TestRail

11,819 下载

rspec-versioned 1.0.4

Run tests over whatever API versions you want

11,788 下载

errorspray 1.0.1

Makes it easy to append contextual information to error messages

11,553 下载

aislefinder 0.0.02

Allows you to find the aisle for groceries per your local super market.

11,539 下载

aislefinder 0.0.02

Allows you to find the aisle for groceries per your local super market.

11,539 下载

trace_visualization 0.0.5

Intelligent visualization of software traces

11,115 下载

rails_mocks 0.0.8

Provides rspec-mocks syntax from an external source like cypress

11,108 下载

env-danger 0.1.3

Demonstrates the dangers of using ENV to store credentials

11,086 下载

snidely_whiplash 1.1.0

Convert simple partial views into a mustache template.

11,049 下载

procession 0.0.3

Runs a process and blocks until it starts properly

10,998 下载

vagrant-tiktalik 0.0.4

Enables Vagrant to manage machines in Cloud.

10,979 下载

archipel-api 5

Ruby API for Archipel Agent, an XMPP-based orchestrator. See

10,936 下载

xml_split 0.0.2

Split XML files on an element, yielding (streaming, so constant memory usage) each node...

10,850 下载

weechat-relay-helper 1.0.3

An interactive tool to assist in the development of Weechat-protocol applications

10,738 下载

uchouhan-rubycas-server 1.3.a

Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.

10,620 下载


Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

10,603 下载

sexp2ruby 0.0.4

Generates ruby from RubyParser-compatible S-expressions. It is a fork of ruby2ruby with...

10,592 下载

rspec-side_effects 0.2.0

DSL to make testing side effects clear and explicit.

10,566 下载

testoaster 0.0.5

Some Rails testing goodies.

10,552 下载

instance_call 1.0.0

On Object#instance_call its possible to call Symbol, Proc, Block, UnboundMethod and Method

10,377 下载

sova 0.0.3

CouchDB library

10,373 下载

knife-vcair 0.9.0

VMware vcair support for Chef's Knife command

10,351 下载

ucb-hcm 3.2.1

Lightweight wrapper for the UCB HCM Api -

10,284 下载

rails_mini 0.0.3

Gem Rails like Sinatra

10,243 下载

vagrant-vcloudair 0.5.3

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCloud® Air™.

10,241 下载

leaks 0.1.2

Leaks loops your rpsec tests and monitors process RAM usage to detect any memory leaks....

10,136 下载

given_when_then 0.0.2

Use selected Cucumber-like syntax in your Rspec tests

10,029 下载

degenerate 0.0.3

Random data generator for use with Generative.

10,014 下载

下载总量 924,893,459

这个版本 3,114,100




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.8.7
