RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rspec-core Latest version of the following gems require rspec-core

rubygems_ssl-client-certs 0.0.3

A rubygems plugin that monkey-patches rubygems to support ssl client certs

67 390 Téléchargements

method_object 1.1.0

Combining the method object pattern with DRY initialization

67 275 Téléchargements

signifyd 0.1.5

A ruby wrapper for the Singifyd fraud detection API.

64 844 Téléchargements

automan 2.5.3

Automates common AWS ops

64 650 Téléchargements

rspec-abq 1.2.0

RSpec::Abq is an rspec plugin that replaces its ordering with one that is controlled by...

62 930 Téléchargements

quby 5.6.5

Quby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...

61 506 Téléchargements

aws-lambda-runner 2.0.0

Trigger AWS Lambda functions without deploying to AWS

61 215 Téléchargements

puppet-forge-server 1.10.1

Private Puppet forge server supports local files, both v1 and v3 API proxies

60 798 Téléchargements

vagrant-skytap 0.3.6

Enables Vagrant to manage Skytap machines.

60 287 Téléchargements

daptiv-chef-ci 0.2.0

Vagrant automation for CI

59 923 Téléchargements

rspec-rake 0.0.4

RSpec support for testing Rake tasks.

59 392 Téléchargements

blobsterix 0.0.38

Blobsterix is a transcoding, caching, storage server that can transform your blobs (ima...

59 072 Téléchargements

is_same 1.0.7

To evaluate if different kind of objects have the same value or meaning, comparing obje...

58 951 Téléchargements

rwebspec-webdriver 0.5.1

Executable functional specification for web applications in RSpec syntax and Selenium-W...

58 433 Téléchargements

lucian 0.3.6

Lucian is a test framework for Docker environments which running up containers using do...

57 542 Téléchargements

graph_matching 0.2.1

Efficient algorithms for maximum cardinality and weighted matchings in undirected g...

55 111 Téléchargements

specstar-models 1.0.0

This gem provides RSpec matchers for model attributes and validators.

55 104 Téléchargements

paraspec 0.0.3

Parallel RSpec runner

54 512 Téléchargements

sinclair 2.1.1

Gem for easy concern creation

54 192 Téléchargements

wurfl_device 0.2.4

Ruby client library for mobile handset detection

52 893 Téléchargements

szymanskis_mutex 0.1.1

Algorithm devised by Boleslaw Szymanski. This MutEx has linear wait and only 5 communic...

51 206 Téléchargements

azeroth 1.1.0


50 698 Téléchargements

extend_at 0.2.4

This gem allows you to extend rails models without migrations: This way you can, i.e., ...

49 934 Téléchargements

nagira 0.5.2

Nagira -- Nagios RESTful API Web services API for Nagios: host status (R/W), service s...

49 419 Téléchargements

snow_sync 3.1.6

SnowSync syncronizes configured fields (scripts) for a ServiceNow instance locally, the...

49 130 Téléchargements

better_receive 0.6.1

Assert that an object responds to a method before asserting that the method is received.

49 102 Téléchargements

rspec-pending_for 0.1.16

Mark specs pending or skipped for specific Ruby engine (e.g. MRI or JRuby) / version co...

48 782 Téléchargements

doggo 1.4.0

Similar to "rspec -f d", but also indicates progress by showing the current test number...

48 493 Téléchargements

vagrant-windows-domain 1.3.5

Adds and Removes Windows Guests from a Windows Domain, as part of the standard machine ...

48 220 Téléchargements

justrun 1.1.0

Wraps popen3 in a nice interface that allows to just run a command and get live stdout ...

47 951 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 922 454 106

Pour cette version 2 298 390

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.8.7
