RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-collection_matchers La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-collection_matchers

interest 0.1.0

A gem to follow, follow request and block between any ActiveRecord models.

7.931 Descargas

nygma 0.2.1

Gotham's very own Mr. Nygma, a Rails 4 Encryptor

7.686 Descargas

ib-symbols 1.5

Easy access to most common contracts through templates, define watchlists to perfrom bu...

7.685 Descargas

netdocuments 0.0.7

A ruby wrapper to access the Netdocuments Rest API

7.645 Descargas

findjobs 0.1.2

Simple CLI to help you find your next job.

7.574 Descargas

sp-validates_timeliness 3.1.3

Adds validation methods to ActiveModel for validating dates and times. Works with multi...

7.539 Descargas

noms-client 1.12.0

Client libraries and command-line tool for NOMS components

7.499 Descargas

probe-dock-rspec 0.5.2

RSpec client to publish test results to Probe Dock, a test tracking and analysis server.

7.408 Descargas

serializers 0.3.0

Basic serializers

7.209 Descargas

jekyll-sanelist 0.0.4

This plugin provides simple liquid filters to transform a list into a human oriented list

7.167 Descargas

saringan 0.5.0

Simple way to send filter parameters to rails models.

7.052 Descargas

sapristi 0.1.32

A gem to rule your apps in GNOME workspaces.

6.808 Descargas

cylons 0.0.2

Collective intelligence meets service oriented architecture. Allows your remote models ...

6.725 Descargas

x509_sleuth 0.0.4

A tool to remotely scan for and investigate X.509 certificates used in SSL/TLS

6.612 Descargas

ib-extensions 1.3.1

Part of IB-Ruby. Tools to to access the tws-api comfortably.

6.585 Descargas

puppet-lint-reference_on_declaration_outside_of_class-check 1.1.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that a reference is made only on a declaration within the...

6.307 Descargas

kvdag 0.1.5

Directed Acyclic Graph for Key-Value searches

6.218 Descargas

email_predictor 0.0.2

Predict emails on a historical pattern for a company

5.851 Descargas

traxis 0.0.2

Making Praxis more like rails with active record, inherited resources inspired conventions

5.705 Descargas

mysql_expectations 1.0.1

The mysql_expectations gem allows you to make RSpec expectations on the schemas and...

5.337 Descargas

puppet-lint-space_after_comma-check 1.0.2

A puppet-lint plugin to check that code in manifests have spaces after each comma excep...

5.198 Descargas

docker-image-map 0.1.2

Visualize docker image history

5.146 Descargas

yapfac 0.2.0

Parsing and manipulation gem for Apache configuration files. Can also be used to contro...

5.049 Descargas

container_broker 1.2.0


4.657 Descargas

kafkat-onfocusio 0.3.2

Simplified command-line administration for Kafka brokers

4.595 Descargas

elasticsearch-resources 0.2.0

Allows you to strongly-type Elasticsearch types and query them more easily.

4.510 Descargas

puppet-lint-module_reference-check 0.1.3

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files contain valid reference comments for ...

4.377 Descargas

oas_parser_reborn 0.25.5

A parser for Open API specifications

4.323 Descargas

puppet-lint-classes_and_types_beginning_with_digits--check 0.1.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check for classes and defined types that contain names beginnin...

4.316 Descargas

cloudeffrontery 0.2

Writes nginx or apache real ip config for amazon cloudfront or azure cloudflare

4.260 Descargas

Total de descargas 38.074.092

Para esta versión 2.463.282

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
