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rspec-activemodel-mocks 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-activemodel-mocks

newspaper_works 1.0.1

Gem/Engine for Newspaper Works in Hyrax-based Samvera Application.

6,045 下載

dynatable_builder 0.0.2

A DSL for generating AJAX tables with sorting/searching/pagination using jQuery Dynatab...

6,036 下載

redis_app_join 0.1.2

Uses Redis hashes to cache data for application-side joins instead of building internal...

5,932 下載

partial_path_customizer 0.1.0

Easily override #to_partial_path on Rails models

5,907 下載

rails_timeseries 0.1.2

rails gem generating time series data of active records. This is useful when you need a...

5,344 下載

solidus_simple_weight_calculator 0.1.0

A Solidus shipping costs calculator based on total order weight

5,244 下載

lc_alchemy_cms 3.2.1

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 4 CMS.

5,148 下載

discourse_plugin_statistics 0.1.0.pre7

Adds a statistics collection for Discourse plugins.

4,804 下載

trix-gem 0.11.2

A rich text editor for everyday writing

4,727 下載

single_record_interface 0.0.2

Single Record Interface

4,631 下載

solidus_events_tracker 2.1.1

Tracks user activity and events on the server side. Use Solidus Admin Insights to build...

4,556 下載

addressbook 0.0.6

Addressbook cloud interface.

4,418 下載

solidus_reserved_stock 0.0.2

Allow stock to be reserved for a given user, so it can't be purchased by other users. W...

4,268 下載

solidus_admin_insights 2.1.1

Add (optional) gem description here

3,941 下載

cash_out 0.1.0

A gem to ease setup of Stripe Marketplace Payments

3,878 下載

api_guardian 1.0.0.pre.beta1

Drop in authorization and authentication suite for Rails APIs. Features include use...

3,778 下載

copy_to_production 0.1.0

You can copy data from rails staging environment to production. You can even copy 'Pape...

3,250 下載

spree_veritrans 1.0.0

Additional Payment Gateways for Spree Commerce using Veritrans

3,060 下載

user_plane 0.0.15

User component for Rails applications.

3,029 下載


Additional Payment Gateways for Spree Commerce

2,694 下載

spree_events_tracker 3.2.1

Track keywords search, checkout events, add to cart, remove from cart and other events.

2,626 下載

solidus_sale_pricing 2.0.1

Solidus extension to set sale products with start and end date.

2,524 下載

supplejack_api 1

Supplejack API

2,507 下載

db_bot 0.1.0

DB Bot uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to construct DB queries. What that means ...

2,490 下載

redis_rails_migrations 0.1.0

Uses Redis to manage data migrations of data stored in Redis

2,308 下載

solidus_legacy_stock_system 1.0.0

Legacy stock system for Solidus

2,257 下載

solidus_slider 1.0

Adds a slider to the homepage

2,160 下載

harpiya_dev_tools 0.1.8

Harpiya Developer Tools

2,098 下載

trix_scientific 0.1.0

A modified version of Basecamp's Trix Editor for use in scientific applications. Modif...

1,995 下載

solidus_friendly_promotions 1.0.1

Experimental replacement for the promotion system in Solidus

1,707 下載

總下載次數 18,146,299

這個版本 351,749



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使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
