rsolr 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rsolr
theShoveler 0.0.2
Tool for loading random data into some web/network service
5,966 下载
logstash-output-solr 0.3.0
Logstash output plugin for sending data to Solr. It support SolrCloud not only Standalo...
5,685 下载
rsolr-nokogiri 0.0.0
Gives RSolr the power to use Nokogiri instead of Builder... it's faster.
4,813 下载
nxa-sunspot 0.10.7
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sun...
4,782 下载
mongomapper-search 0.0.1
Easily integreate mongo mapper with enterprise search like solr
4,736 下载
rsolr-em 0.0.2
EventMachine/async based connection driver for RSolr -- compatible with Ruby 1.8
4,729 下载
rsolr-cloud-lw 1.1.1
The connection adopter supporting SolrCloud for RSolr
4,718 下载
sunspot_connector 0.2.0
Allows the override of some Sunspot Solr HTTP settings
4,524 下载
rsolr-async 0.1.0
Provides asynchronous connections to Solr
4,318 下载
solrsam 0.4.2
solrsan is a lightweight wrapper for using Apache Solr within a Ruby application includ...
4,139 下载
utopian_solrizer 0.0.2
A lightweight tool for indexing Utopian posts into solr.
3,787 下载
rsolr-json 0.0.1
Use JSON response formats with rsolr
3,591 下载
active_triples-solrizer 0.3.0
active_triples-solrizer provides a default solr indexing implementation for ActiveTriples.
3,512 下载
rsolr-cloud-custom 1.1.0
The connection adopter supporting SolrCloud for RSolr
2,396 下载
logstash-output-custom_solr_http 4.1.0
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
2,170 下载
surfliner-metadata_consumer 0.1.0.pre.alpha.3
Surfliner metadata consumer
337 下载