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dorsal 1.3

Dorsal : Druby Objects's Ring Server as an simple Alternative to Linda

8,317 下載

indirect-metric_fu 0.9.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

8,203 下載


Gives you a fist full of code metrics

8,174 下載

rakuna-core 1.0.2

Reusable classes and mixins for Webmachine-powered projects. The intent of these is to ...

8,152 下載

lwes_pure 0.1.4

The original lwes gem is a thin wrapper around the c library, and does not handle data ...

8,031 下載

danmayer-metric_fu 2.1.3

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

7,985 下載

ios7crypt 0.3

See for example usage

7,907 下載

webpack-pipeline 0.3.0

it adds wiew helpers to integrate webpack with rails

7,837 下載

attr_readonly 1.0.0

Provide a new macro like attr_accessor to make real read_only accessors to frozen dup o...

7,800 下載

universe-testing 0.1.1

gem install universe-testing

7,623 下載

rack_spellchecker 0.2.0

Spellcheck your text entry with TinyMCE and Rack SpellChecker

7,524 下載

rakuna-validation-json 2.0.0

Adds support for validating JSON objects against a JSON schema to your Webmachine resou...

7,436 下載

toybox 0.1.0

Debianize your rails app, the Debian way

7,324 下載

rb-system-with-aliases 0.2

See for example usage

7,178 下載

rferraz-metric_fu 2.1.2

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

7,159 下載

rakuna-session-redis 1.0.2

Adds expiring session support to your Webmachine project, using Redis as a datastore

7,137 下載

fireinc-pdf-reader 0.11.0

The PDF::Reader library implements a PDF parser conforming as much as possible to the P...

6,967 下載

simple_file_store 0.0.5

A micro-framework for automating storing and loading files to/from the filesystem.

6,903 下載


Gives you a fist full of code metrics

6,030 下載


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

5,791 下載


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

5,713 下載

extray 0.2

See for example usage

5,655 下載

im_exporter 0.0.2

Export iMessage conversations into TXT or PDF files

5,341 下載

rb-swatch 0.1

See for example usage

5,304 下載

modeselector 0.2

See for example usage

5,282 下載

shibby 0.2

See for example usage

5,262 下載

flyerhzm-metric_fu 1.0.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

5,142 下載

rakuna-content-json 1.0.1

`rakuna-content-json` adds mixins for parsing and generating JSON

5,138 下載

rakuna-authentication-github 1.0.1

Adds GitHub authentication strategies to your Webmachine resources

5,123 下載

rakuna-data-redis 1.0.1

Adds support for redis to your Webmachine project, with autodetection

5,095 下載

總下載次數 2,230,979

這個版本 708,536



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
