RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rexml La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rexml

sprinkle_dns 1.0.3

Make handling DNS easier by using simple Ruby constructs

6.617 Descargas

hrr_rb_relaxed_xml 0.2.0

An REXML-based XML toolkit that can have multiple root elements

6.436 Descargas

samsung_wam_api 0.2.3

Gem provides Ruby Samsung WAM API wrapper

6.408 Descargas

kono_epp_client 0.1.1

A simple EPP Client

6.297 Descargas

dynamodb_record 0.4.1

A simple DynamoDB ORM

6.270 Descargas

bulma_form_rails 1.0.6

With this gem, you can efficiently create beautiful index and form pages, and form fiel...

6.239 Descargas

ypdf-writer 1.3.5

Based on A pure Ruby PDF document creation li...

6.188 Descargas

strongmind-sidekiq-cloudwatchmetrics 2.6.4

Runs a thread inside your Sidekiq processes to report metrics to CloudWatch useful for ...

5.711 Descargas

kdbx 0.2.1

A kdbx library to access kdbx file format

5.605 Descargas

overcommit-jeygeethanmedia 0.58.0

Utility to install, configure, and extend Git hooks

5.494 Descargas

rbhint 0.87.1.rc1

RbHint is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to encourage...

5.402 Descargas

url_finder 0.2.2

Find URLs in common file formats (Markdown, HTML, string) with ease - Ruby and CLI.

4.987 Descargas

termgui 0.0.6

* Pure Ruby library for creating desktop-like interfaces in the command line. * Flexi...

4.895 Descargas

caldav 0.1

Ruby client for CalDAV calendar and tasks.

4.892 Descargas

omniauth-nextcloud 0.2.2

omniauth provider for the Nextcloud API

4.153 Descargas

macos-tags 0.2.0

Ruby interface to get macos Finder tags

3.948 Descargas

change_healthcare 1.2

Api Client for ChangeHealthcare

3.637 Descargas

html_to_ansi 0.2.0

Generate ANSI text with escape sequences to emulate basic HTML formatting.

3.351 Descargas

ruby-experian 0.1.3

Experian Axesor (

3.234 Descargas

daqing_kramdown 2.3.2

kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...

3.168 Descargas

xumlidot 0.2.0

Generates XMI and DOT files for Ruby and Rails Class Diagrams

3.119 Descargas

xtf-ruby 1.0.3

Ruby library for working with California Digital Library's XTF.

3.066 Descargas

dynamoid_lockable 1.1.0

Uses atomic writes to DynamoDB to ensure you hold an exclusive lock on your records

2.868 Descargas

activemerchant-redsys_rest 0.9.2

Active Merchant extension to support Redsys payment gateway

2.757 Descargas

temporalio 0.1.1

An SDK for implementing workflows and activities in Ruby

2.523 Descargas

dev2func-rails 0.0.14

Application performance monitoring

2.415 Descargas

zae 0.8.7

One runner to handle them, package managers, all.

2.348 Descargas

quarkus-managed-dependency 1.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2.148 Descargas

trix_embed 0.0.5

Take control over what external links and embedded media is permitted in the Trix edito...

1.712 Descargas

jinda_mind 1.0.0

Generate Rails workflow from mind map: Freemind

1.608 Descargas

Total de descargas 394.759.836

Para esta versión 1.458.355



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
