RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rexml La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rexml

moss_generator 0.7.4

Skatteverket One Stop Shop (OSS) generator.

20.722 Descargas

turbo_boost-commands 0.3.2

Commands to help you build robust reactive applications with Rails & Hotwire.

18.151 Descargas

hps 2.4.0

Ruby SDK for processing payments via Portico Gateway

17.942 Descargas

firmenwissen 1.2.1

Ruby client for the FirmenWissen API

17.660 Descargas

session-validator-client 5.0.0

Ruby client for Emarsys session validator service

17.292 Descargas

literate_maruku 0.2.0

Given Ruby's open classes and Maruku's powerful parser architecture, literate_maruku pr...

16.008 Descargas

syobocal 0.15.0

Syoboi Calendar is the oldest and biggest ANIME information site, supported and hosted ...

15.413 Descargas

media_info 0.5.2

A simple meta information about files with MediaInfo.

15.388 Descargas

turbo_reflex 0.0.31

TurboReflex extends Turbo Frames and adds support for client triggered reflexes (think ...

14.986 Descargas

cdmdexer 0.22.0

Load CONTENTdm data into a Solr Index. CDMDEXER expects to run inside a Rails application.

13.909 Descargas

tls-map 3.0.0

CLI & library for mapping TLS cipher algorithm names: IANA, OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS;get in...

13.772 Descargas

hermes_messenger_of_the_gods 3.0.0


13.262 Descargas

processing 1.0.2

Creative Coding Framework has API compatible to Processing or p5.js.

12.858 Descargas

skv_report 0.3.6

Generates CSV complete string for Skatteverkets Periodisk Sammanfattning

12.388 Descargas

propublica-nonprofits 1.1.1

Ruby wrapper for the Propublica Nonprofits API

11.285 Descargas

embulk-parser-flexml 0.2.3

XML parser plugin is Embulk plugin to fetch entries in xml format. Supports xpath and a...

10.704 Descargas

bard-staging_banner 0.4.1

Middleware to inject an annoying banner on every page in the staging environment

9.527 Descargas

paychex 0.3.5

A Ruby wrapper for REST APIs which will make it easy to interact with P...

9.399 Descargas

trove 0.2.0

Deploy machine learning models in Ruby (and Rails)

9.390 Descargas


ActiveSupport Cache Store for DynamoDb

9.248 Descargas

registered_domains 0.1.4

Query domain registrars for your registered domains.

9.136 Descargas

ccb_connect_client 0.1.5

An unofficial simple ccb payment connect client gem

8.608 Descargas

jalc 2.2.1

JaLC (Japan Link Center) API Client

8.501 Descargas

sepa_parser 0.2.0

Parse ISO20022 XML messages containing SEPA Customer Credit Transfer Initiation message...

8.412 Descargas

network_profile 0.3.2

Extract profile metadata from various social-media-profiles, such as Twitter, XING, Git...

8.259 Descargas

hodlmoon 0.3.0

A command line tool for crytocurrency data. When moon?

7.959 Descargas

mizlab 0.1.7

The tools for our laboratory

7.641 Descargas

addy_lambda 0.1.11

Include this gem in your Lambda code to provide generic functionality, standardize code...

7.262 Descargas

text_to_checkstyle 0.2.0

Transform text format to checkstyle format.

6.896 Descargas

cocoapods-mars 0.0.20

A short description of cocoapods-mars.

6.868 Descargas

Total de descargas 393.759.503

Para esta versión 1.136.689



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
