RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rest-client La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rest-client

telegramAPI 1.4.2

A lightweight wrapper in Ruby for Telegram API Bots

208.179 Descargas

wombat 3.0.0

Generic Web crawler with a DSL that parses structured data from web pages

207.852 Descargas

cucumber-api 0.9

cucumber-api allows API JSON response validation and verification in BDD style.

207.766 Descargas

microsoft-logstash-output-azure-loganalytics 1.0.0

Azure Sentinel provides a new output plugin for Logstash. Using this output plugin, you...

205.153 Descargas

etherpad-lite 0.3.1

etherpad-lite is a Ruby interface to Etherpad Lite's HTTP JSON API

202.347 Descargas

sproutvideo-rb 1.9.0

SproutVideo API Client

202.263 Descargas

cloudfactory 0.7.4

A Ruby wrapper and CLI for to interact with REST API

200.866 Descargas

tripod 0.15.1

RDF ruby ORM

198.906 Descargas

minke 1.15.0

Minke is a suite of rake tasks for building and testing microservices with Docker. Cur...

197.753 Descargas

fbgraph 1.10.1

A Gem for Facebook Open Graph API

197.413 Descargas

jimson 0.14.0

JSON-RPC 2.0 client and server

196.597 Descargas

lense 0.3.6

Commandline tools for creation, distribution, and execution of Lightweight Environment ...

195.687 Descargas

kuzushi 0.0.55

A tool used by the sumo gem for performing instance setup and management in AWS

194.179 Descargas

kookaburra 3.0.1

Cucumber + Capybara = Kookaburra? It made sense at the time.

193.215 Descargas

boxgrinder-build 0.10.4

A tool for creating appliances from simple plain text files for various virtual environ...

189.620 Descargas


Gem to poll messages from SQS queue and process them

188.566 Descargas

mimic 0.4.4

A Ruby gem for faking external web services for testing

188.444 Descargas

namely 0.2.4

Wraps the Namely HTTP API in lovely Ruby.

187.748 Descargas

viddl-rb 1.1.1

An extendable commandline video downloader for flash video sites. Includes plugins for ...

185.426 Descargas

auth-lh 1.3

Authentication with auth lh api

181.794 Descargas

factor 0.6.12

CLI to manager workflows on

181.773 Descargas

roda-component 0.1.73

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

179.385 Descargas

send_sonar 2.0.0

Provides a clean and simple gem to connect to Sonar

177.440 Descargas

codeowners-checker 1.1.2

Check consistency of Github CODEOWNERS and git changes.

176.196 Descargas

moto 1.1.8

Lightweight framework for functional testing. Supports threading, scenario parametrizat...

176.195 Descargas

rest_connection 1.0.16

This gem is deprecated! Please use right_api_client instead. The rest_connection gem si...

173.933 Descargas

emarsys 0.4.0

A Ruby library for interacting with the Emarsys API.

173.235 Descargas

groupdocs 2.3.0

With this SDK, you can seamlessly integrate GroupDocs’ document collaboration tools int...

172.876 Descargas

downloadr 0.0.41

A simple gem to make downloading files in a Ruby application simple without needing to ...

172.452 Descargas

ubalo 0.30

CLI and API client for Ubalo

171.882 Descargas

Total de descargas 353.015.829

Para esta versión 158.469.069



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
