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dm-rspec2 0.3.0

RSpec2 matchers for DataMapper

18,605 下载


Learn how to develop the Gem package.

18,519 下载

remove_data_attributes 0.2.1

Rails plugin enables you to remove data attributes automatically from views.

18,505 下载

sixarm_ruby_time_stamp 3.0.0

Time stamp methods to generate a string with formating such as RFC ISO datetime

18,452 下载

vscripts 0.1.5

VScripts is a command line utility that performs a series of tasks used on's...

18,232 下载

open_api-rspec 0.1.10

RSpec matchers and shared examples for OpenApi

18,096 下载

solargraph-reek 0.1.1

A Reek diagnostics reporter for Solargraph

17,857 下载

stub_requests 0.1.11

An abstraction on top of WebMock to build stubbed HTTP requests

17,371 下载

surveillance_authority 0.3.0

Write centralized model observers in a simple DSL

17,288 下载

surveillance_authority 0.3.0

Write centralized model observers in a simple DSL

17,288 下载


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Simplecov-RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats...

17,239 下载

viddlereo 0.1.4

Viddler + Ruby = Great Video Success

17,216 下载

everett 0.3.0

Everett is a substitute for Active Record Observer on Rails 5.

16,967 下载

sixarm_ruby_numeric_round 2.0.0

Numeric #round, #floor, #ceil, #truncate methods

16,557 下载

lexical_analyzer 0.3.5

The RCTP configurable lexical analyser.

16,496 下载

tagelizer 0.1.4

converts text to an array of words. Uses stemming and spellchecker to produce better re...

16,428 下载

udon 0.0.4

Parse and generate udon, inspired by zml, haml, json, and more.

16,314 下载

sneaker 0.2.1

Sneaker lets you launch a rails command in multiple capistrano stages simultaneously

15,892 下载

sixarm_ruby_time_terse 3.0.0

Time.terse methods to generate a string formatted with YMDHMSN

15,623 下载

epas 0.3.2

To be run in a cron script or a daemon. Autosigns ec2 instances based on hostname and i...

15,584 下载

media_info 0.5.2

A simple meta information about files with MediaInfo.

15,402 下载

FluxTuna 0.0.5


15,381 下载

codeless_code 0.2.1 contains many humorous and interesting fables and koans. The...

15,301 下载

mutator_rails 0.1.17

Automate mutation testing to find weaknesses in code

15,156 下载

not-quite-submodules 0.4.2

This gem can be used to automatically clone an update a git repository, relying on tags...

15,101 下载

moss 0.6

See for example usage

15,056 下载

action-gmailer 0.1.0

ActionGmailer, oauth/gmail delivery method

15,017 下载

iron-crawler 1.2.1

A generic web crawler that doesn't crawl outside URLs.

14,919 下载

akkordarbeit 0.0.5

Akkordarbeit is a program for formatting simple leadsheets in a simplified ChordPro for...

14,887 下载

mayl 0.2.1

A console to create, edit and maintain YAML files in any kind of Ruby projects

14,863 下载

下载总量 26,886,005

这个版本 566,060



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
