RubyGems Navigation menu

reek 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 reek

mead 0.1.3

Extract identifiers and metadata from EAD XML.

23,135 下载

sixarm_ruby_fab 2.2.3

Generate sample names, places, agents, tweets, etc.

22,826 下载

wikidata_position_history 2.3.0

Generates a table of historic holders of a Wikidata position

22,635 下载

api_proxy 0.2.9

Proxy for tickets service

22,634 下载

danger-wcc 0.1.4

A Danger plugin for Watermark Church custom rules.

22,592 下载

itsdangerousr 1.0.0

Sometimes you just want to send some data to untrusted environments. But how to do this...

22,447 下载

option_list 1.1.5

[Deprecated] Flexible, Easy Function Parameters with Validation.

21,977 下载

lovely-rufus 0.0.5

lovely-rufus: text wrapper (legacy gem)

21,662 下载

twitch-bot 6.0.0

twitch-bot is a Twitch chat client that uses Twitch IRC. With the help of this library ...

21,541 下载

in_json 0.0.6

JSON serialization for Rails. Straight-forward attributes. Only serialize what you want...

21,301 下载

doo_dah 0.4.0

This gem creates zip files using the STORE method - i.e. with no compression. This enab...

21,281 下载

object_inspector 0.6.3

Object Inspector takes Object#inspect to the next level. Specify any combination of ide...

21,238 下载

flex_array 0.3.7

A flexible, multidimensional array class for Ruby.

21,237 下载

pipeline_dealers 0.0.7

API client for PipelineDeals

20,653 下载

minecraftctl 2.0.3

Allows to send messages, start and stop Minecraft server

20,402 下载

mongoid_tag 0.0.6

Mongoid tagging gem that holds meta about tags in a scoped context.

20,366 下载

spina-admin-conferences 2.2.0

Keep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.

20,315 下载

iterm2-viewer 0.0.8

Utility for view images in the terminal. iTerm2-nightly is required

20,119 下载

deribit-api 2.0.2

Idiomatic Ruby library for Deribit API 2.0

19,796 下载

liquid-development 0.2.1

This is a simple gem to consolidate common development dependencies.

19,642 下载

prolog_minitest_matchers 0.5.4

Custom Minitest matcher(s) we've developed for our own use.

19,556 下载

composite_rng 0.1.5

A composable random number generator.

19,430 下载

bitmex-api 0.1.6

Fully-featured, idiomatic Ruby library for BitMEX API

19,346 下载

clint_eastwood 0.0.7

A simple way to run a series of linting tools with default configurations matching clou...

19,303 下载

light_serializer 0.0.10

Light and Fast Serializer

19,063 下载

ccs 3.1.1

Configuration Control System (CCS)

18,829 下载

active_memoize 2.0.3

Cache and memoize expensive calculations.

18,747 下载

adminable 0.0.7

Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.

18,738 下载

cowl 0.7

See for example usage

18,719 下载

openc3 5.17.1

OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data f...

18,694 下载

下载总量 26,863,445

这个版本 557,968



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
