RubyGems Navigation menu

reek 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 reek

etvnet_seek 0.6.1

Command line tool for getting mms urls from etvnet service.

28,928 下载

rt-logman 1.3.0

Logman, formalized logging micro-abstraction

28,521 下载

razsell 0.0.11

Queries Zazzle RSS feed for data.

28,474 下载

transport 1.0.6

Provide a single command interface to perform http/json requests. A spec helper to perf...

28,344 下载

lovely_rufus 1.0.1

An executable and a Ruby library for wrapping paragraphs of text.

28,268 下载

slack_msgr 0.0.7

A Ruby gem to send and receive messages through Slack

28,120 下载

rack-cargo 1.0.0

Enables creating batch requests to Rack apps. Requests can reference each other. Makes ...

27,991 下载

redress 1.0.1

Build maintainable Ruby apps

27,856 下载

cejo 0.8.5

= Cejo home :: bugs ::

27,593 下载

connfu-client 0.1.6

This gem provides a smooth access to connFu capabilities

27,374 下载

in_array 1.0.3

Encapsulate data in an array unless it's already in one.

27,178 下载

vagrant-shell-commander 0.3.2

Vagrant plugin for executing shell commands on guests machines and hooking them in the ...

26,831 下载

evideo 0.3.3

Processa ficheiros video. Pode alterar bitrate, framerate, height, aspect ratio e elimi...

26,545 下载

olag 0.1.22

Olag is Oren's set of utilities for creating a well-behaved gem. This is very opinionat...

26,240 下载

gom-filesystem-adapter 0.5.0

Filesystem storage adapter for the General Object Mapper. Currently just read-only stor...

25,770 下载

kronos-ruby 0.3.0

Persistent cron jobs manager

25,682 下载

safe_clone 1.0.3

A safer version of the clone method that avoids unnecessary exceptions.

25,614 下载

popcap 0.9.6

Read & write metadata tags, convert audio files to alternate formats, manage files on t...

25,084 下载

crontab-parser 0.1.0

crontab parser for ruby

24,733 下载

feedly_api 0.6.3

Simpe unofficial Feedly API wrapper. No auth yet. Zero external dependencies.

24,721 下载

hieraviz 0.2.6

Simple web application for accessing Puppet development code ...

24,699 下载

portuguese_validators 0.1.3

Validators for portuguese NIB, NIF, BI and phone.

24,687 下载

erlnixify 0.0.8

Erlnixify's purpose is to rectify a problem in Erlang. At the moment the Erlang VM has...

24,623 下载

resque-rate_limited_queue 1.2.0

A Resque plugin which allows you to create dedicated queues for jobs that use rate limi...

24,607 下载

new_data_notifier 0.1.5

If there is some new users signed up on your site or some new articles been added by so...

24,144 下载

analdiffist 0.4.0

A tool for comparing the complexity and code smells between two git revisions

24,097 下载

safe_dup 1.0.3

A safer version of the dup method that avoids unnecessary exceptions.

24,074 下载

magicka 1.1.0

Gem for easy form templating

23,715 下载

british 0.4.2

Allows to use alternative words endings: -ise instead of -ize etc. Defines `is_an?` as ...

23,310 下载

sixarm_ruby_to_id 2.0.0

ToId converts types to ids and uuids

23,197 下载

下载总量 26,826,623

这个版本 543,530



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
