Dependencias inversas para redis La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren redis
redis-cache 1.1.0
ActiveSupport cache adapter for Redis
45.102 Descargas
execache 0.2.0
Run commands in parallel and cache the output. Redis queues jobs and stores the result.
44.784 Descargas
metal_archives 3.2.0
Ruby API layer that transparently queries, scrapes and caches Metal Archives' website
44.682 Descargas
apple_shove 2.0.4
Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) provider. More powerful than a push...
44.470 Descargas
hiera-redis 2.0.1
Allows hiera functions to pull data from a Redis database.
44.409 Descargas
live_record 1.0.2
Auto-syncs records in client-side JS (through a Model DSL) from changes (updates/destro...
44.163 Descargas
share_counts 0.1.4
The easiest way to check how many times a URL has been shared on Reddit, Digg, Twitter,...
43.951 Descargas
redis_orm 0.8
ORM for Redis (advanced key-value storage) with ActiveRecord API
43.677 Descargas
redis-set 0.0.6
Lightweight wrapper over redis sets.
43.651 Descargas
resque-approve 0.0.16
Keeps a list of jobs which require approval to run.
43.363 Descargas
pause 0.5.1
This gem provides highly flexible and easy to use interface to define rate limit checks...
43.279 Descargas
kicks 3.2.0
Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
43.067 Descargas
redis-repeater 0.2.6
Automatically move events from one redis queue to the same queue on another server
42.995 Descargas
sixpack-client 1.3.0
Ruby library for interacting with SeatGeek's sixpack.
42.940 Descargas
mtncd 0.2.0
A helper tool for MTN CICD pipeline
42.928 Descargas
openid-store-redis 1.0.0
Use Redis to store OpenID associations and nonces with ruby-openid
42.758 Descargas
workerholic 0.1.2
A Background Job Processor for Ruby applications
42.604 Descargas
gilmour 0.4.7
This gem provides a Sinatra like DSL and a simple protocol to enable writing services t...
42.521 Descargas
blendris 1.2
A redis library for Ruby
42.432 Descargas
related 0.6.6
Related is a Redis-backed high performance distributed graph database.
42.420 Descargas
jason-rails 0.8.7
Reactive user interfaces with minimal boilerplate, using Rails + Redux
42.055 Descargas
anyt 1.4.3
Action Cable / AnyCable conformance testing tool
41.812 Descargas
redis_queue 0.8.1
A redis-based queue
41.655 Descargas
x_runtime 1.0.2
由于使用到Redis的lua script,所以需要你的Redis服务支持,redis-server版本>2.6.x,redis(ruby gem)>3.0.1.
41.587 Descargas
cartman 2.1.2
Cartman is a frameworke agnostic, redis-backed, shopping cart system
41.429 Descargas
md-logstasher 1.8.0
Awesome rails logs
41.401 Descargas
express_translate 1.0.13
I18n Translation Interface for end user in Rails app
41.193 Descargas
notifyor 0.8.1
Notifyer creates growl notifications on your desktop if something happens in your Rails...
41.006 Descargas
fanforce-plugin-worker 1.6.0
Worker library to help Fanforce plugins with background processing
40.902 Descargas
rafka 0.5.0
A Ruby client library for Rafka, with consumer and producer implementations.
40.786 Descargas