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Dépendances inversées pour redis Latest version of the following gems require redis

sensu-plugins-logstash 2.1.0

This plugin provides native logstash instrumentation for ...

120 063 Téléchargements

fanforce-worker 0.36.0

Fanforce worker used by various Fanforce apps for background processing.

119 928 Téléchargements

looksist 0.3.12

Redis backed lookup for your models

119 140 Téléchargements

smartkiosk-client 0.2.1

Smartkiosk client application

118 907 Téléchargements

lsh 0.6.0

An implementation of LSH in Ruby, using JBLAS for JRuby and GSL for MRI

118 109 Téléchargements

lsh 0.6.0

An implementation of LSH in Ruby, using JBLAS for JRuby and GSL for MRI

118 109 Téléchargements

acpc_table_manager 4.0.2

Backend components to the ACPC Poker GUI Client. Includes a player that saves states fr...

116 091 Téléchargements

resque-job_history 0.0.23

Keeps a history of run jobs by job.

115 018 Téléchargements

scripterator 1.4.0

Script iterator for ActiveRecord models

113 468 Téléchargements

recommendable 2.2.2

A Like/Dislike recommendation engine for Ruby apps using Redis.

112 628 Téléchargements

redistat 0.5.0

A Redis-backed statistics storage and querying library written in Ruby.

111 327 Téléchargements

spree_dev_tools 0.2.4

Spree Developer Tools

110 545 Téléchargements

redis_support 0.0.18

Module for adding redis functionality to classes: simple key namespacing and locking an...

107 017 Téléchargements

moleculer 0.3.0

This is a Ruby implementation of the Moleculer framework.

105 859 Téléchargements

noah 0.8.7

Application registry inspired by Apache Zookeeper

105 741 Téléchargements

noah 0.8.7

Application registry inspired by Apache Zookeeper

105 741 Téléchargements

cf_light_api 3.1.2

A super lightweight API for reading App and Org data from CloudFoundry, cached in Redis.

104 799 Téléchargements

pageflow-support 17.0.4

Spec support for Pageflow extensions.

104 515 Téléchargements

all_seeing_eye 0.1.1

AllSeeingEye observes all requests, with parameters that you specify, to Redis. Then it...

104 419 Téléchargements

nexia_event_store 0.11.3

["A Ruby implementation of an EventSource (A+ES) tuned for Vertica or Postgres"]

104 292 Téléchargements

nxt_http_client 2.1.0

NxtHttpClient allows you to easily create and configure http clients.

103 236 Téléchargements

station 0.5.16

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.

103 193 Téléchargements

redis_object 1.5.3

Maps arbitrary objects to a Redis store with indices and smart retrieval and storage me...

101 637 Téléchargements

opal-webpack-loader 0.13.0

Bundle assets with webpack, resolve and compile opal ruby files and import them in the ...

101 363 Téléchargements

weixin_authorize 1.6.4

weixin api authorize access_token

99 784 Téléchargements

lawnchair 0.6.11

Fully featured caching mechanism for arbitrary pieces of resource expensive ruby code u...

99 389 Téléchargements

exercism-config 0.118.0

Retrieves stored config for Exercism

99 248 Téléchargements

redis-stream-wrapper 0.1.7

A simple Redis stream wrapper written in Ruby

98 699 Téléchargements

redpear 1.3.0

Simple, elegant & efficient ORM for Redis

97 228 Téléchargements

robust-redis-lock 1.3.1

Robust redis lock

96 823 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 417 281 627

Pour cette version 3 321 681



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6.0
