RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para redis La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren redis

auger 1.4.6

Auger: test-driven ops

81.056 Descargas

entangled 1.5.0

Makes Rails real time through websockets as a gem in the backend and as an Angular libr...

80.869 Descargas

timed-rediscounter 1.1.1

A timed counter based on redis hashes

80.585 Descargas

soulheart 0.4.0

Simple, fast autocomplete server for Ruby and Rails

79.694 Descargas

redis_assist 0.11.0

A framework for Redis backed ruby apps.

79.610 Descargas

trailguide 0.4.7

Perform user experiments and A/B tests in your rails apps

79.165 Descargas

bookingsync_portal 3.0.0

A common base for creating BookingSync portal applications.

78.650 Descargas

metacosm 0.3.8

pure Ruby functional-reactive simulation metaframework

78.430 Descargas

sensu-plugins-edgelab 1.18.6

Sensu plugins developed by Edgelab

78.304 Descargas

redis-search 1.0.3

High performance real-time prefix search, indexes store in Redis for Rails application.

77.868 Descargas

flipper-rollout 1.3.0

Rollout feature flag adapter for Flipper

77.509 Descargas

eventus 0.6.7

An Event Store

77.462 Descargas

hyper-resource 1.0.0.lap90

Write Browser Apps that transparently access server side resources like 'MyModel.first_...

76.518 Descargas

blizzard_api 4.0.0

This is a simple interface to obtain data from Blizzard API

73.497 Descargas

logstash-output-juggernaut 3.0.6

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

73.208 Descargas

rrrspec-client 0.4.6

Execute RSpec in a distributed manner

73.160 Descargas

firebase-auth-rails 0.1.2

Description of Firebase::Auth::Rails.

72.377 Descargas

fluent-plugin-redis 0.3.5

Redis output plugin for Fluent

72.365 Descargas


Gem wrapper for Twitter's Nutcracker - aka Twemproxy

71.787 Descargas

trophonius 2.1.5

A lightweight, easy to use link between Ruby (on Rails) and FileMaker using the FileMak...

71.529 Descargas

rails-brotli-cache 0.6.2

This gem reduces storage needed for Rails cache by using Brotli compression, which can ...

71.525 Descargas

jwt_auth_token 1.4.4

Json web token, setting data to header

70.821 Descargas

bot 0.0.46

Build a new bot

70.677 Descargas


Auth Origin Control checks the origin of the request at app entry

70.071 Descargas

amorail 0.7.2

Ruby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it.

69.788 Descargas

resque-durable 4.1.1

Resque queue backed by database audits, with automatic retry

69.211 Descargas

amiral 0.1.18

simple command and control based on redis

68.892 Descargas

rifle 0.2.4

Redis search server

68.799 Descargas

familia 0.10.2

Familia: An ORM for Redis in Ruby.. Organize and store ruby objects in Redis

68.756 Descargas

rspec-redis_helper 0.1.2

Helper for RSpec tests which use Redis

68.528 Descargas

Total de descargas 417.146.407

Para esta versión 3.287.638



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6.0
