RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para redis La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren redis

network_resiliency 0.8.2


154.368 Descargas

rails_rate_limiter 0.3.0

Requests rate limiting library for Ruby on Rails

154.226 Descargas

redde 0.4.4

Admin scaffold generator for redde projects

154.104 Descargas

rhoconnect 7.6.0

RhoConnect App Integration Server and related command-line utilities

152.304 Descargas

redis_failover 1.0.2

redis_failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby

151.825 Descargas

rhosync 2.1.17

RhoSync Synchronization Framework and related command-line utilities

151.534 Descargas

fnordmetric 1.2.9

FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids

151.132 Descargas

time_pilot 1.0.2

Configure enabled features for a specific set of users.

151.069 Descargas

gush 3.0.0

Gush is a parallel workflow runner using Redis as storage and ActiveJob for executing j...

150.963 Descargas

condition 0.0.30

Condition Test

150.162 Descargas

nomo 0.0.50

304 Not Modified Headers made easy.

149.110 Descargas

bg_results 0.1.0

A tool for handling results from background workers

148.166 Descargas

auth_passport_checkpoint 0.1.1

Checks id at entry: id of users on client apps and on intermediary apps (sso_clyent), i...

147.849 Descargas

govuk_sidekiq 8.0.1

Provides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in GOV.UK applications.

144.509 Descargas

mutx 0.2.9

Exposes executions easily

144.207 Descargas

rubypitaya 3.19.6

RubyPitaya is an application to create servers using the pitaya protocol.

142.955 Descargas

city-watch 0.7.9

Server/process monitoring

141.848 Descargas

canvas-jobs 0.11.0

Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job

141.581 Descargas

web47core 3.2.2

Core components used in all our web products.

139.236 Descargas

faulty 0.11.0

Fault-tolerance tools for ruby based on circuit-breakers

138.002 Descargas

strum-cache 0.1.4

Cache resources

136.946 Descargas

es-elasticity 1.1.0

Elasticity provides a higher level abstraction on top of [elasticsearch-ruby](https://g...

135.074 Descargas

redmon 0.0.13

Redis Admin interface and monitor.

133.626 Descargas

traffic_jam 1.2.0

Library for Redis-backed time-based rate limiting

132.725 Descargas

cb2 0.0.4

Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern in Ruby

130.389 Descargas

cache_store_redis 2.2.1

This is the redis cache_store implementation.

128.370 Descargas

smartware 0.4.12

Smartware is the Smartkiosk hardware control daemon

128.048 Descargas

rack-defense 0.2.6

A rack middleware for throttling and filtering requests

123.598 Descargas

redis-pool 0.1.1

A Redis connection pool.

120.682 Descargas

resque-better_unique 2.0.0

There are a number of plugins which allow you define unique jobs, but each only handle ...

120.331 Descargas

Total de descargas 415.977.603

Para esta versión 2.972.422



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6.0
