RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para redis La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren redis

rspec-redis_helper 0.1.2

Helper for RSpec tests which use Redis

68.532 Descargas

repsheet_visualizer 1.1.0

Visualizer for Repsheet

68.342 Descargas

rapnd 0.5.0

redis APN daemon

67.298 Descargas

can-do 1.1.3

Simple feature flags based on a redis instance, a YAML config file and/or environment v...

67.168 Descargas

ablab 0.4.2

Ablab - A/B testing on Rails

66.642 Descargas

simple-feed 3.1.2

This gem implements flexible time-ordered activity feeds commonly used withing social n...

66.375 Descargas

bigrails-redis 0.7.2

Redis connection manager for Rails applications.

66.368 Descargas

rich_table_component 0.0.30

Rich Table Component with advanced search, export file, and generate recapitulation

66.227 Descargas

kungfuig 0.11.4

Config with goodnesses.

66.134 Descargas

pubsubstub 0.2.2

Pubsubstub can be added to a rack Application or deployed standalone. It uses Redis to ...

65.906 Descargas

cf-runtime 0.2.0

Cloud Foundry Runtime Library

65.415 Descargas

tractor 0.5.0

Very simple object mappings for ruby objects

65.386 Descargas

geoip_redis 0.1.0

Put MaxMind GeoIP2 database to Redis

65.274 Descargas

creeper 2.0.2

Creeper is an evented version of Stalker

65.267 Descargas

qas_dock_gem 0.1.41

I just created this gem to say hello for the ruby gems world, okay.

65.102 Descargas

peak_flow_utils 0.1.19

Utilities to be used with PeakFlow.

65.050 Descargas

merona 1.1.9

Chocopie Game Server Engine by Ruby

65.025 Descargas

lunar 0.6.0

Features full text searching via metaphones, range querying for numbers, fuzzy searchin...

64.572 Descargas

allora 0.1.10

Allora (Italian for "at that time") provides a replacement for the classic UNIX ...

64.344 Descargas

lolita-i18n 0.6.0

Lolita plugin, that enables .yml files management from administrative interface. Also f...

64.013 Descargas

sad 1.5.18

a simple em baseed background job worker.

63.908 Descargas

insque 0.7.4

Instant queue. Background processing and message driven communication tool. Faster and ...

63.703 Descargas

red_blocks 0.1.7

This module provides classes of redis sorted set to implement fast ranking, search, fil...

63.511 Descargas

acts_as_amico 0.2.8

Rails injectable Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis

63.425 Descargas

redis-model-extension 0.4.2

It provides functions as find, find_by_alias, get, exists?, validate, save etc.

63.135 Descargas

feature_flagger 2.4.1

Management tool to make it easier rollouting features to customers.

62.606 Descargas

clone_kit 0.6.1

Supports rules-based cloning, Mongoid, and distributed operations

62.556 Descargas

timecop-redis 0.2.0

Timecop extension for Redis

62.119 Descargas

stockpile_cache 1.4.0

Simple redis based cache with stampede protection

61.618 Descargas

redis-bloomfilter 1.1.0

Adds Redis::Bloomfilter class which can be used as ditributed bloom filter implementati...

61.599 Descargas

Total de descargas 417.621.744

Para esta versión 3.430.297



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6.0
