RubyGems Navigation menu

rdoc 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rdoc

capybara-mechanize 1.13.0

RackTest driver for Capybara, but with remote request support thanks to mechanize

1,160,259 下載

pokitdok-ruby 0.9.2

Gem for easy access to the PokitDok Platform APIs.

1,133,909 下載

atoulme-Antwrap 0.7.5

A Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...

1,129,755 下載

atoulme-Antwrap 0.7.5

A Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...

1,129,755 下載

classifier 1.3.5

A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.

1,113,386 下載

mobile-fu 1.4.0

Want to automatically detect mobile devices that access your Rails application? Mobile ...

1,109,730 下載

verbal_expressions 0.1.5

Verbal Expressions is a library that makes constructing difficult regular expressions s...

1,083,456 下載

sensu-plugins-logs 4.1.1

This plugin provides native log instrumentation for monit...

1,059,640 下載

anemone 0.7.2

Anemone web-spider framework

1,057,209 下載

activerecord-postgres-hstore 0.7.8

This gem adds support for the postgres hstore type. It is the _just right_ alternative ...

1,043,796 下載

robotex 1.0.0

Obey Robots.txt

1,038,685 下載

where_exists 2.0.4

Rails way to harness the power of SQL "EXISTS" statement

1,017,239 下載

sugar-high 0.7.3

More Ruby sugar - inspired by the 'zuker' project

978,007 下載

i18n-spec 0.6.0

Includes a number of rspec matchers to make specing your locale files easy peasy.

961,287 下載

autotest-rails 4.2.1

This is an autotest plugin to provide rails support. It provides basic rails support an...

957,160 下載

debride 1.12.0

Analyze code for potentially uncalled / dead methods, now with auto-removal.

952,654 下載

intuit-oauth 1.0.3

A Ruby wrapper Intuit's OAuth and OpenID implementation.

951,565 下載

schema_plus 2.0.1

SchemaPlus is a gem that simply pulls in a collection of other gems from the SchemaPlus...

934,484 下載

quaderno 3.0.0

A ruby wrapper for Quaderno API

900,954 下載

heap 1.0.2

Implements Heap's server-side API

883,475 下載

pbkdf2-ruby 0.2.1

This implementation conforms to RFC 2898, and has been tested using the test vectors in...

880,501 下載

xmlcanonicalizer 0.1.2

This is taken from XMLCanonicalizer/WSS4R and

862,979 下載

safemode 1.5.0

A library for safe evaluation of Ruby code based on RubyParser and Ruby2Ruby. Provides ...

853,360 下載

rash 0.4.0

simple extension to Hashie::Mash for rubyified keys, all keys are converted to undersco...

852,202 下載

mail-iso-2022-jp 2.0.9

A set of patches for mikel's mail gem. With this, you can easily send and receive mails...

849,983 下載

gimme 0.5.0

gimme attempts to bring to Ruby a test double workflow akin to Mockito in Java. Major d...

828,624 下載

rubyzoho 0.5.0

A set of Ruby classes supporting the ActiveRecord lifecycle for the Zoho CRM API.

823,474 下載

gollum 6.0.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

809,273 下載

appengine 0.7.0

The appengine gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google A...

758,499 下載

async_sinatra 1.3.0

A Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous responses inside...

729,170 下載

總下載次數 152,104,983

這個版本 1,912,216



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 2.2
