RubyGems Navigation menu

rb_sys 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rb_sys

y-rb 0.5.6

Ruby bindings for yrs. Yrs "wires" is a Rust port of the Yjs framework.

83,825 下載

autocorrect-rb 2.9.4

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...

64,456 下載

autocorrect-rb 2.9.4

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...

64,456 下載

autocorrect-rb 2.9.4

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...

64,456 下載

autocorrect-rb 2.9.4

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...

64,456 下載

autocorrect-rb 2.9.4

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...

64,456 下載

autocorrect-rb 2.9.4

AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct space...

64,456 下載

mrml 1.5.0

Ruby wrapper for MRML, the MJML parser implementation in Rust.

52,754 下載

enquo-core 0.9.1

Core library for encrypted querying operations

52,183 下載

enquo-core 0.9.1

Core library for encrypted querying operations

52,183 下載

enquo-core 0.9.1

Core library for encrypted querying operations

52,183 下載

enquo-core 0.9.1

Core library for encrypted querying operations

52,183 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

ore-rs 0.7.0

Ruby bindings for the Order-Revealing Encryption library

42,714 下載

selma 0.3.0

Selma selects and matches HTML nodes using CSS rules. Backed by Rust's lol_html parser.

35,619 下載

what_you_say 0.6.7

Natural language detection with a focus on simplicity and performance. Currently wraps ...

26,488 下載

tzf 1.0.0

Ruby time zone lookup interface using tzf-rs.

22,932 下載

isorun 0.1.12

Import ECMAScript modules into Ruby and use values and functions like JavaScript is par...

20,397 下載

halton 0.3.0

A module implementing the fast generation of Halton sequences. The method of generation...

14,377 下載

halton 0.3.0

A module implementing the fast generation of Halton sequences. The method of generation...

14,377 下載

halton 0.3.0

A module implementing the fast generation of Halton sequences. The method of generation...

14,377 下載

halton 0.3.0

A module implementing the fast generation of Halton sequences. The method of generation...

14,377 下載

總下載次數 9,669,412

這個版本 309,438


MIT, Apache-2.0

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
