RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rb-fsevent Latest version of the following gems require rb-fsevent

fudge 0.6.4

Fudge Continuous Integration Server

294 651 Téléchargements

punchblock 2.7.5

Like Rack is to Rails and Sinatra, Punchblock provides a consistent API on top of sever...

289 080 Téléchargements

color_conversion 0.1.2

Convert colors to hex/rgb/hsv

285 382 Téléchargements

appmake 0.2.2

Appmake allows you to easily develop single-page apps in HTML5

271 095 Téléchargements

exvo-auth 0.14.1

Sign in with Exvo account

270 498 Téléchargements

monadic 0.8.1

brings some functional goodness to ruby by giving you some monads

256 120 Téléchargements

system 0.1.3

System is a pure ruby interface to gather systems information from the current host. Sy...

241 708 Téléchargements

api_resource 0.6.25

A replacement for ActiveResource for RESTful APIs that handles associated object and mu...

231 057 Téléchargements

blazing 0.5.0

painless git push deployments for everyone

219 873 Téléchargements

mihari 8.1.0

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

199 690 Téléchargements

psd 3.9.0

Parse Photoshop PSD files with ease

197 311 Téléchargements

memfs 1.0.0

MemFs provides a fake file system that can be used for tests. Strongly inspired by FakeFS.

195 846 Téléchargements

buffer 0.1.3

Buffer is an API Wrapper Gem for's API

193 108 Téléchargements

nimbu 0.13.2

Client library and command-line tool to design and manage websites on the Nimbu platform.

168 527 Téléchargements

rspec-xsd 0.1.0

Rspec matcher for ensuring XML validates against a given XSD

167 875 Téléchargements

vkontakte_api 1.4.4

A transparent wrapper for VKontakte API. Supports ruby-way naming of API methods (witho...

167 393 Téléchargements

gollum_rails 3.0.0

include Gollum into Rails with ease

159 213 Téléchargements

blogit 1.1.2

Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine

158 249 Téléchargements

capsule_crm 1.10.4

Gem to communicate with CapsuleCRM

153 741 Téléchargements

maid 0.11.0

Be lazy. Let Maid clean up after you, based on rules you define. Think of it as "Hazel ...

152 598 Téléchargements

faalis 2.2.1

Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...

141 742 Téléchargements

ruby_fs 1.1.1

A Ruby client library for the FreeSWITCH EventSocket API built on Celluloid.

133 090 Téléchargements

supernova 0.7.6

Unified search scopes

124 740 Téléchargements

skydrive 1.2.0

Simple ruby client library for Skydrive cloud storage service with OAuth2

122 509 Téléchargements

meter 1.4.0

A generic abstraction layer for fire and forgetting measurements via UDP.

122 336 Téléchargements

i15r 0.5.5

The internationalizer. Replaces plain text strings in your views and replaces them with...

121 709 Téléchargements

babel_bridge 0.5.5

Babel Bridge is an object oriented parser generator for parsing expression grammars (PE...

121 282 Téléchargements

adhearsion-asr 1.5.0

Adds speech recognition support to Adhearsion as a plugin

118 324 Téléchargements

microformats 4.5.0

A Ruby gem to parse HTML containing microformats2 and classic microformats that returns...

116 486 Téléchargements

psd-enginedata 1.1.1

Parser for the markup format used in the PSD file format

114 847 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 406 308 710

Pour cette version 104 083 353

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
