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rb-fsevent 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rb-fsevent

hashy_db 2.1.0

Ruby library to interact with in-memory hash database collections. Offers very little t...

70,752 下載

mad_chatter 0.3.4

Mad Chatter is a fun, easy to customize chat server, utilizing HTML 5 Web Sockets

70,186 下載

github_heroku_deployer 0.4.1

Deploys Github repos to Heroku

68,401 下載

rna 0.4.7

Rna is a simple DSL for generating node.json files required by chef-solo.

68,155 下載

actionable 0.1.5

Better jobs. Good jobs.

67,726 下載

missing_t 0.4.1

Finds all the missing i18n translations in your Rails project

64,640 下載

state_machines_rspec 0.3.2

RSpec matchers for state_machines. Forked from modocache/state_machine_rspec to work wi...

64,203 下載

guilded 2.0.0

A set of tools that work with the Rails asset pipeline to help in authoring GUI compone...

63,745 下載

machiawase 0.7.0

provides command line usage and library to get a middle point of plural points

62,530 下載

exvo_globalize 0.6.0

It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app

61,709 下載

microformats2 3.1.0

Parses HTML for microformats and return a collection of dynamically defined Ruby objects

60,599 下載

thincloud-test 1.0.0

Opinionated test dependencies and conventions for Ruby applications.

60,236 下載

hentry_consumer 0.8.3

A microformats 2 h-entry parser. Fully Deprecated. Please see:

59,263 下載

ipizza 2.2.0

Simplifies generating payment requests and parsing responses from banks when using iPiz...

59,194 下載

sports_data_api 0.15.3

A Ruby interface to the Sportradar API.

58,995 下載

operation 1.4.1

Implementation-agnostic method return status objects (say what?). Your methods can just...

58,410 下載

genesis 1.10.0

A data seeding solution for Ruby on Rails providing seeding facilities far more advance...

58,081 下載

locality 1.1.0


57,964 下載

chap 0.1.3

chef + capistrano = chap: deploy your app with either chef or capistrano

56,853 下載

voyager_api 0.3.11

Middleware gem for Voyager 7 API calls, specificially holdings information

56,606 下載

voog-kit 0.5.9

Tools that help Voog design development

56,296 下載

blurrily 1.0.2

Native fuzzy string search

55,370 下載

ruby_peter_v 0.0.13

Ruby helpers for @peter_v

54,977 下載

ustyle 1.19.2

uSwitch style guide

54,327 下載

robocop 0.1.1

Rack middleware that inserts the X-Robots-Tag into all responses.

53,057 下載

codice-fiscale 1.0.1

Calculate the Italian Tax ID (Codice Fiscale)

52,741 下載

glean 0.0.17

A description of your project

51,195 下載

slate 1.1.2

Simple api on top of the graphite render api

50,467 下載

mohawk 1.0

Mohawk is a page-object style driver that makes it easy to automate windows application...

50,433 下載

doubleshot 1.0.7

Doubleshot will download dependencies on demand, compile your Java sources and let you ...

50,248 下載

總下載次數 355,407,352

這個版本 61,974,072



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
