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rb-fsevent 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rb-fsevent


CMS based on Mercury Editor

25,554 下载

hangover 0.0.7

Some call it the unlimited undo. It tracks every single file change in a git repository...

25,194 下载

furnish 0.1.3

A novel way to do virtual machine provisioning

25,166 下载

bcms_garment_district 0.1.2

Allow Markdown and Textile to be used for BrowserCMS content.

25,109 下载

statraptor 0.2.6

StatRaptor gathers all your metrics into one simple-to-use dashboard.

25,102 下载

params_validator 0.3.1

A DSL for validating request parameters, raises exceptions when validation failed. Curr...

25,057 下载

money_column 0.2.4

A set of helper methods for working with money-based attributes.

25,023 下载

tomato_power 0.1.4

RottenTomatoes API wrapper

24,888 下载

heroku_resque_autoscaler 0.2.0

Uses Resque Job Hooks and the Heroku API gem to autoscale Heroku Resque workers

24,784 下载

thebigdb 1.4.1

TheBigDB a simply structured open database of real life facts. See ...

24,688 下载

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,544 下载

midwife 0.0.8

A collection of preprocessors for frontend development

24,494 下载

xero 0.0.7

Library for communicating with the xero API

24,408 下载

has_token_on 1.0.5

Simple yet customizable token generator for Rails 3

24,240 下载

duly_noted 1.0.2

a simple redis based stat-tracker

24,116 下载

cleaner 0.0.7

Cleaner is a small tool which helps you keep your directories clean. With simple DSL ...

23,681 下载

fozzie_rails 0.0.4

Gem to make statistics sending from Rails applications simple and efficient as possible

23,667 下载

psql 0.0.1

A simple ruby library for consuming the `psql` command.

23,096 下载

sidekiq-sqs 0.0.17

SQS backed job store for Sidekiq. Redis is still used for stats/job worker tracking

23,093 下载

sidekiq-encryptor 0.2.0

Sidekiq middleware that encrypts your job data into and out of Redis.

22,807 下载

reservoir 0.1.2

Helps manage cloud-based server instances by enumerating, comparing and diff'ing applic...

22,716 下载

soap5r 2.0.3

An updated implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.

22,627 下载

set_theory 0.0.7

Extends Object and Array with nice names for set operations.

22,626 下载

queencheck 1.0.0

QueenCheck is random test library. Inspired by QuickCheck library in Haskell.

22,509 下载

access_policy 0.0.7

Object oriented authorization for ruby.

22,462 下载

pulse_meter-dygraphs_visualizer 0.4.25

Customizable web interface for PulseMeter gem

22,363 下载

sportweb 0.3.3

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

22,285 下载

toolsmith 0.0.16

Toolsmith provides common helpers for UI components and styles.

22,275 下载

epp-eis 2.0.0

Ruby client for Estonian Internet Foundation EPP service

22,216 下载

mongo-import 0.6.0

A helper to restore snapshots created by mongoexport

22,119 下载

下载总量 357,911,628

这个版本 63,873,807



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
