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rb-fsevent 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rb-fsevent

furnish-ip 0.2.1

Generic IP allocator for the Furnish provisioning system

19,058 下载

taggart 0.0.8

Add HTML tags around your strings by running "Hello World".h1 for example.

18,749 下载

public_attributes 0.0.5

Simple public vs private attribute filtering for Ruby objects.

18,321 下载

delegated_presenter 1.1.2

Simple presenter allows for a simple way for you to present a model to your views witho...

18,245 下载

morse_nameable 1.2.1

Module to allow easy name functions in ActiveRecord models

18,240 下载

localwiki_client 0.3.1

A thin client that wraps the Localwiki API.

18,006 下载

curb_threadpool 0.6.1

A multi-threaded worker pool for Curb

17,881 下载

strap 0.0.7

Bootstrap new projects based on a template Git repo

17,873 下载

pbl 0.0.6

A command line tool for Pinboard to search your bookmarks.

17,828 下载

warcards 0.0.7

An addictive game of War! to help slog through flash-card memorization

17,820 下载

sort_it_out 1.1.0

Easily apply sorting to your Rails controller actions.

17,776 下载

poxy 0.0.6

A responsive fixed width grid framework built on top of Sass based on the Frameless Gri...

17,764 下载

lelylan-rb 0.1.0

Ruby wrapper for Lelylan API

17,506 下载

transient 2.0.0

Provides an API for making any ActiveRecord object transient.

17,449 下载

jasmine-selenium-sauce 1.2.1

Rake tasks for running your Jasmine suite via a local browser or through SauceLabs

17,402 下载

front-matter 1.2.1

This gem extracts embeded info (yaml front matters, for example ) in source code commen...

17,227 下载

foreground 0.1.0

Control daemonizing background processes with launchd.

17,216 下载

sum_sum 0.0.5

SumSum allows you to generate simple reports on the count of values in hashes.

17,202 下载

espago 0.1.10

Espago api wrapper

17,150 下载

stylesheet 0.1.8

A CSS parser based on the DOM API

16,952 下载

redis-kit 0.1.0

simple redis init for rails projects

16,863 下载

flattery 0.1.0

a gem to denormalize (flatten) selected ActiveRecord association attributes and automat...

16,680 下载

rspec_api_test 0.0.2

Test a JSON-API using rspec and simple get/put/post/delete helpers

16,666 下载

onlinebrief24 1.0.4

A gem to interact with (send PDFs as physical letters/snail mail)

16,519 下载

pintrest-api 0.1.2

A gem to create a pintrest api to gather pins using Capybara and PhantomJS.

16,490 下载

vidibus-watch_folder 0.1.5

Create multiple watch folders within your application, e.g. to provide individual FTP m...

16,467 下载

tagelizer 0.1.4

converts text to an array of words. Uses stemming and spellchecker to produce better re...

16,423 下载

simple-scm 1.0.4

Provides the `sss` command to perform SCM (git/hg/svn) commands in all projects in a di...

16,374 下载

shellout 0.5

Contains classes for printing tables and boxes

16,341 下载

mince_mongo_db 1.1.0

Mince interface library to provide a lightweight MongoDB ORM for Ruby.

16,335 下载

下载总量 358,675,839

这个版本 64,456,203



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
