RubyGems Navigation menu

rb-fsevent 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rb-fsevent

rails-dev-bundle 0.2

Metagem with dependencies to helpful developer gems

22,067 下载

trooper 0.7.0

Simple but powerful deployment

22,064 下载

qalam_oauth_engine 3.0.9

CanvasOauth is a mountable engine for handling the oauth workflow with canvas and makin...

21,979 下载

digidoc_client 0.3.0

An easy way to interact with Estonian DigiDoc services.

21,895 下载

overapp 0.5.1


21,601 下载

straides 0.1.4

A more convenient way to return different HTTP status codes from Rails.

21,553 下载

vagrant-unison-morroni 0.0.25

Vagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

21,467 下载

hindbaer 0.0.6

A Hindenburg Journalist parser

21,413 下载

redis_cache_mailer_delivery 0.0.6

Use Redis to store the Mail::Message when using in Rails

21,386 下载

ssn 1.0.2

Encapsulates functionality for storing an unformatted SSN but formatting the SSN on print.

21,095 下载

stairs-steps-s3 0.1.1

Stairs plugin for setting up S3

21,013 下载

Boy2Man 0.2.2

A game and library of Rock Paper Scissors

20,914 下载

trekky 0.0.6

Simple, very simple, sass and haml compiler.

20,770 下载

payex 0.4

PayEx SOAP API glue

20,588 下载

dm-is-select 1.2.0

A DataMapper plugin that makes getting the <tt>select</tt> options from a Model easier.

20,523 下载

migrant-boxes 0.2.0

A simple and opinionated way to replicate a Vagrant setup on EC2 or Rackspace

20,436 下载

unix_commander 0.1.6

A gem to run unix commands on a more ruby-esque way

20,269 下载

grape_api_signature 0.0.6

Add AWS Signature 4 style authentication to grape API's.

20,212 下载

klear 0.1.5

create and manage choreographies for motors and lights on the Manta Rhei. klear is ...

19,889 下载

worktrack 0.0.8

worktrack is a gem to monitor your projects directory to track work done within all rep...

19,700 下载

uwdc 0.0.7

Gem for the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections

19,614 下载

mailroute 0.0.6

MailRoute API

19,604 下载

rb-blink1 0.0.7

Controls blink(1)

19,314 下载

qalam_lti_provider_engine 2.1.0

LtiProvider is a mountable engine for handling the LTI launch and exposing LTI paramete...

19,297 下载

atheme 0.1.0

A ruby wrapper around the Atheme IRC Services XMLRPC interface

19,292 下载

fswatch 0.0.5

A program for triggering a script on file system change (on OS X)

19,247 下载

cardboard_cms 0.3.1

Rails CMS made simple

19,230 下载

cancannible 2.1.0

Extends CanCan with dynamic, inheritable permissions stored in a database, with caching...

19,229 下载

static_fm 0.0.6

It's time consuming to look up the URLs to your favorite javascript libraries and css f...

19,107 下载

color_parser 1.0.6

Finds colors on a given webpage

19,083 下载

下载总量 358,341,879

这个版本 64,202,545



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
