rake-compiler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rake-compiler
r4r 0.1.3
Write a longer description or delete this line.
14,159 下载
vox-etf 0.1.9
ETF decoding/encoding for vox.
14,116 下载
revo-nokogiri 1.4.1
Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
14,014 下载
diff_set 0.0.4
DiffSet contains a collection of data structures optimized to perform partial set subtr...
13,963 下载
faster_support 0.2.1
Faster Implementations of ActiveSupport Methods
13,939 下载
bonekit 0.0.5
BoneKit is a hardware interface toolkit for the beaglebone. It enables access from ruby...
13,808 下载
proceso 0.2.2
Easiest way to retrieve the process information
13,739 下载
dru 1.0.0
A ruby tool to simplify the development workflow with Docker Compose and Docker.
13,737 下载
rawhid 0.1.8
same as above
13,728 下载
nokogiri-xmlsec1 0.0.11
This is a fork of nokogiri-xmlsec. This fork uses mini_portile to improve code pred...
13,709 下载
graphics 1.1.2
Graphics provides a simple framework to implement games and/or simulations and is desig...
13,684 下载
mecab-heavy 0.996.2.1
Ruby bindings for MeCab, a morphological analyzer, with libmecab and naist-jdic so that...
13,643 下载
extralite-bundle 2.8.2
Extra-lightweight SQLite3 wrapper for Ruby with bundled SQLite3
13,545 下载
cellular_automata 0.1.5
A set of 0-player games, of which Conway's Game of Life is a member.
13,538 下载
pdfshaver 0.0.3
Shave pages off of PDFs as images. PDFShaver makes iterating PDF pages easy by wrap...
13,513 下载
webpack_stats 1.0.5
Webpack Stats loader for Rails
13,494 下载
xplenty-jruby_sandbox 0.2.9
A version of _why's Freaky Freaky Sandbox for JRuby.
13,439 下载
iseq_rails_tools 0.0.9
Allows you to take advantage of ruby's AOT bytecode generation within a Rails project.
13,435 下载
h1p 1.1
H1P is a blocking HTTP/1 parser for Ruby
13,156 下载
mrpin-rocketamf 2.0.1
Fast AMF3 serializer/deserializer with remoting request/response wrappers to simplify i...
13,129 下载
lambert_ruby 1.0.2
Ruby wrapper for the lambert library
13,031 下载
dep_walker 1.0.2
The dep_walker is small utility gem that checks dependencies for native extensions used...
12,920 下载
altprintf 0.4.0
A powerful printf-like template language
12,842 下载
arraybuffer 0.0.7
An array buffer (a.k.a. byte array) implementation forRuby, implemented natively.
12,837 下载
tinyimg 0.1.6
Convert between JPEG/PNG, crop and resize images, either all in memory or via disk. On...
12,771 下载
pixel_pi 0.2.1
NeoPixels are fun! Ruby is fun! RaspberryPi is fun! FUN^3
12,706 下载
eventmachine-maglev- 1.0.0
EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
12,683 下载
parity-RedCloth 4.2.13
Textile parser for Ruby with auto_link support.
12,680 下载
chunky_png_subimage 0.2.0
Support to search subimages for ChunkyPNG - fast with ruby extension
12,666 下载
ruby-eigen 0.0.11
Ruby bindings for Eigen, a C++ template library for linear algebra. Implemented using S...
12,525 下载