rake-compiler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rake-compiler
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
colordom 1.1.0
Extract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
14,864 下载
sfcc 0.5.0
ruby-sfcc allows to access a CIMOM either with the WBEM protocol or by using the SfcbLo...
14,828 下载
oops-null 0.3.1
A native RubyGem for Windows and Linux that segfaults the Ruby interpreter by dereferen...
14,792 下载
xcellus 2.0.4
Xcellus leverages a native extension to create XLSX files. It is an 'ugly' generato...
14,778 下载
mmapped_string 0.1.0
Return file contens using mmap(2).
14,775 下载
YubiRuby 1.1.0
Yubikey integration - Includes Prototypes for low-level Yubikey OTP functions witten...
14,726 下载
rbuv 0.0.5
libuv binding for Ruby
14,691 下载
char_size 0.2.3
Find an encoding's minimum and maximum character size
14,668 下载
melt 0.3
Have you ever heard about icebergs or icicles? What about melting?
14,647 下载
melt 0.3
Have you ever heard about icebergs or icicles? What about melting?
14,647 下载
passwordping 1.0.3
Ruby library for PasswordPing API
14,646 下载
shapelib 0.7.0
Simple wrapper around the shapelib library
14,565 下载
digest-tiger 1.0.3
This is a Digest module implementing the Tiger hashing algorithm. The size of a Tiger h...
14,546 下载
efficient_join 2.1.4
Very fast and memory-efficient way to join ruby lists of numbers and strings.
14,494 下载
vncrec 1.0.6
Connect to/receive reverse-connect from VNC server and record session as raw video or...
14,400 下载
tclink_gs 4.5.0
Trust Commerce connectivity layer
14,324 下载
extension_tutorial 1.0.9
extension tut
14,306 下载
ruby-tcl 0.1.1
Bindings to the Tcl interpreter for use from within ruby.
14,305 下载
hvutils 0.0.4
A number of utilities, including getting the MAC address for an interface.
14,243 下载
rails-graphql 1.0.3
A Fresh new GraphQL server for Rails applications, with a focus on natural and Ruby-lik...
14,236 下载
railsdock 0.4.0
CLI Application for adding Docker configuration to your Rails application.
14,178 下载