rake-compiler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rake-compiler
libx11 0.2.2
Ruby binding of libx11 mostly for xlib
16,535 下载
rcad 0.1.2
Solid CAD programming library
16,447 下载
spatial_stats 2.0.0
An ActiveRecord/PostGIS extension that provides statistical methods to spatial postgres...
16,364 下载
resper 0.2.3
There is tool for extracting vector graphic resources to Android and iOS app
16,297 下载
ttcrypt 0.1.1
optimized RSA and other basic cryptography primitives in c++
16,295 下载
hungarian_algorithm_c 0.0.5
A Ruby gem that evaluates the Hungarian algorithm in C
16,126 下载
normal_distribution 0.2.0
Normal distribution model allows to create normal distribution from given data.Initial ...
15,859 下载
mdbx 0.3.6
This is a native ruby binding to libmdbx, an improved version of the Lightning Memory M...
15,824 下载
EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
15,808 下载
omnomnum 0.0.2
OmNomNum normalizes numbers in ruby strings.
15,807 下载
mm_gps 0.2.1
MarvelMind Indoor GPS driver.
15,797 下载
figure_set 1.1.0
FigureSet is the library which treats set operation.
15,763 下载
dynamodb_geo 0.2.1
A port of dynamodb_geo to Ruby. Includes a geohash module.
15,647 下载
ipconverter 0.4.0
Fast C extension for converting IP addresses from string to integer
15,596 下载
rdo-mysql 0.0.5
Provides access to MySQL using the RDO interface
15,466 下载
alt_printf 0.2.2
A powerful printf-like template language
15,446 下载
easy-crc 0.0.4
EasyCRC let's you calculate CRC32 checksums of files without locking the whole Ruby pro...
15,441 下载
xhyve-ruby 0.0.6
Provides a means of interacting with xhyve from ruby
15,430 下载
uri_parser 0.1.0
Parses and normalizes URIs very quickly, using Google's URI canonicalization library
15,312 下载
red25519 1.1.0
Ruby wrappers for the Ed25519 public key signature system
15,268 下载
red25519 1.1.0
Ruby wrappers for the Ed25519 public key signature system
15,268 下载
svmlightcli 0.1.3
This is a convenience gem wrapper for the svm_light command line binaries (svm_learn an...
15,220 下载
fast_method_source 0.4.0
Retrieves the source code for a method (and its comment) and does it faster than any ot...
15,134 下载
vxi11 0.1.3
This library allows you to control VXI11 capable measurement devices like scopes, sine ...
15,105 下载
ruby-mpi 0.4.0
A ruby binding of Message Passing Interface (MPI), which is an API specification that a...
15,006 下载
Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey J...
15,005 下载
multi_encoder 0.0.9
QRCode and Barcode generator for rails
14,967 下载
test_cpp 1.1
Monte Carlo Simulation for TARF Contract.
14,925 下载
win32-symlink 0.1.3
Symlink functions for Windows (Vista and above)
14,893 下载
fast_matrix 0.3.0
Ruby wrapper around C matrices implementation
14,885 下载