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rake-compiler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rake-compiler

zxing_cpp 0.1.1

A barcode and QR code library that works with regular Ruby (not just JRuby). This gem c...

77,476 下载

jruby-pg 0.1

This file needs a translation of the English README. Pull requests, patches, or volunte...

76,942 下载

transrate 1.0.1

a library and command-line tool for quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies

76,591 下载

netsoul 2.5.1

Netsoul client and library for ruby.

76,439 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

zstdlib 0.13.0

A Zlib drop-in replacement implementing Zstandard compression algorithm

76,272 下载

ruby-cbc 0.3.19

Wrapper around Cbc Linear Programming Solver

74,965 下载

sender 1.5.10

Adds :__sender__ and :__caller__ to the built-in :__callee__ and :__method__ methods in...

74,320 下载

tk 0.5.1

Tk interface module using tcltklib.

71,543 下载

ruby_postal 1.0.0

Ruby bindings for libpostal (fast address parsing/normalization)

71,146 下载

helix_runtime 0.7.5

The Helix Runtime

71,129 下载

rj_schema 1.0.5

gem using RapidJSON as a backend to provide fast validation for JSON schemas

70,796 下载

bitset_bm 1.1.0

A fast C-based Bitset. It supports the standard set operations as well as operations yo...

70,004 下载

webmoney 0.0.15

Webmoney interfaces and native wmsigner

69,405 下载

debugger2 1.0.0.beta2

debugger is a fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger debug.rb. It is impleme...

68,382 下载

ethash 0.2.0

Ethash is Ethereum's mining algorithm.

67,350 下载

therubyracer-heroku 0.8.1.pre3

Call javascript code and manipulate javascript objects from ruby. Call ruby code and ma...

67,323 下载

numo-linalg 0.1.7

Ruby/Numo Linear Algebra library with interface to BLAS/LAPACK.

66,802 下载

digest-siphash 1.0.1

Digest::SipHash is a class of message digest use algorithm SipHash.

66,633 下载

do_derby 0.10.17

Implements the DataObjects API for Derby

65,785 下载

do_hsqldb 0.10.17

Implements the DataObjects API for Hsqldb

65,717 下载

do_h2 0.10.17

Implements the DataObjects API for H2

65,612 下载

crc32 1.0.1

Very fast CRC32 calculation based on Intel's slicing-by-8 algorithm.

65,007 下载

mqlight 1.0.2018091900

Allows you to connect and send messages with the MQ Light API.

64,014 下载

下载总量 14,116,121

这个版本 73,867




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.8.7

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.8.23
