Dependencias inversas para rake-compiler La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rake-compiler
s2 0.1.0
S2 generates code to handle data in an uniform manner
2.779 Descargas
num4hypothtst 0.1.1
num for test of statistical hypothesis!
2.776 Descargas
nokogiri-backupify 1.5.0.beta.4
Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
2.754 Descargas
gcaptcha 0.1.0
A gem to generate captcha pictures.
2.711 Descargas
rack-new_relic-starter 0.1.0
A Rack middleware that provides an endpoint to start the New Relic agent.
2.698 Descargas
poker_card 0.1.8
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2.691 Descargas
elefont 1.0.1
The gem that never forgets where your fonts are.
2.680 Descargas
maprbcpp 0.9.1
Maps are associative containers which store values, indexed by key, but which provide o...
2.669 Descargas
splaytreemap 1.0.0
A Splay Tree is a self adjusting binary search tree with the additional property that r...
2.640 Descargas
num4tststatistic 0.2.4
numerical solution for test statistic
2.628 Descargas
ctp 0.1.0
Ruby support for CTP
2.625 Descargas
jf-ruby-opencv 0.1.1
ruby-opencv is a wrapper of OpenCV for Ruby. It helps you to write computer vision prog...
2.621 Descargas
gcovrext 0.0.1
Code coverage details for your native extensions are at least as important as for ruby....
2.608 Descargas
eventmachine-with-ipv6 1.0.0.beta.4.ipv6.0
EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
2.572 Descargas
laplace 0.1.0
fast method tracing
2.536 Descargas
llrb 0.0.1
LLRB is LLVM-based JIT compiler for Ruby. Note that this gem can be only installed to f...
2.534 Descargas
magvar 0.1.0
Magnetic variation calculation ported from FlightGear
2.531 Descargas
osv 0.3.18
OSV is a high-performance CSV parser for Ruby, implemented in Rust. It wraps BurntS...
2.528 Descargas
openldap 0.0.1pre11
A simple, but feature-complete Ruby binding for OpenLDAP's libldap. This binding is i...
2.527 Descargas
siren2 0.1.2
3D operation libray
2.516 Descargas
proc_compose 0.0.1
Proc#compose (*) C extension
2.506 Descargas
exec_trace 0.0.1
Trace your Ruby function's execution path
2.490 Descargas
concise_rucaptcha 2.0.1
This is a Captcha gem for Rails Applications. It drawing captcha image with C code so i...
2.475 Descargas
z80 0.3.2
Z80-Ruby is a Ruby binding for the Zilog Z80 CPU emulator (
2.460 Descargas
exif-aerial 2.0.1
Adds latitude, longitude, altitude accessors.
2.443 Descargas
vinted-prometheus-client-mmap 1.7.0
A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...
2.441 Descargas
vinted-prometheus-client-mmap 1.7.0
A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...
2.441 Descargas
lemmiwinks 0.1.0
General utility for debugging ruby apps.
2.434 Descargas
rubyvm-frozencore 0.1.0
Expose RubyVM::FrozenCore
2.432 Descargas
ruxml 0.0.1
Simple fast XML parser
2.427 Descargas