RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rake-compiler La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rake-compiler

UEL 0.1.1

untitled etf lib

3.376 Descargas

kasten 0.1.0

Let users draw a Kasten (German for box) in an X environment and get it's dimensions

3.355 Descargas

ris 0.0.1

Ruby Intelligent System

3.337 Descargas

socket_helper 0.1.0

A thing for sockets

3.321 Descargas

bigdecimal-fix 1.4.4

This library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class.

3.321 Descargas

rugged-mysql 0.0.2

Enables rugged to store git objects and references into MySQL.

3.312 Descargas

NMath 0.3.0

NMath serves to make mathematical operations more precise in Ruby.

3.301 Descargas

dhkeyx 1.0.1

An implementation of the Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol

3.289 Descargas

google-protoc 3.0.0.alpha.6.0.0

Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.

3.286 Descargas

peepmem 0.0.1

Peep memory of another process.

3.282 Descargas

idgen32 0.1.0

non-repeating ID generation covering an almost maximal 32-bit range.

3.261 Descargas

rsonal 0.1

rsonal is a simple and efficient JSON writer for Ruby. It is designed to allow passing ...

3.257 Descargas

marisa 0.2.6

Ruby binding for marisa-trie which is a static and space-efficient trie data structure.

3.245 Descargas

exerb 6.0.1

Exerb support for mingw/rubyinstaller. Packaged ruby source files and ruby extensions f...

3.240 Descargas

graphql-parser 0.0.2

Ruby bindings for Facebook's libgraphqlparser.

3.237 Descargas

snapshot_coverage 1.0.0

Add snapshot method to coverage lib

3.227 Descargas

damerau-levenshtein-al2023 1.3.6

This gem implements pure Levenshtein algorithm, Damerau modification (where 2 character...

3.209 Descargas

shall 0.0.0

Ruby bindings for Shall, a syntax highlighter

3.205 Descargas

pcm 0.1.0

PCM Audio Library

3.204 Descargas

caring-nokogiri 1.4.1.pre1

Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...

3.191 Descargas

ArduinoStringToNum 0.1.0

Converts a Binary representation of a arduino number to a ruby numeric object.

3.176 Descargas

super_mean 0.0.1

Arithmetic mean from array written in C.

3.169 Descargas

libosrm 1.0.0.pre.rc2

Ruby bindings for OSRM’s C++ API, providing faster and more customizable interaction wi...

3.168 Descargas

luhnmod10-native 1.0.0

A fast and simple in-place implementation of the luhn check algorithm in Ruby using a C...

3.148 Descargas

handlersocket-rb 0.1.0

Zero-dependency implementation of HandlerSocket protocol

3.146 Descargas

crcs 0.1.0

This gem contains C extension for calculating CRC32

3.139 Descargas

xnlogic-transit-ruby 0.8.572

Transit marshalling for Ruby

3.135 Descargas

alphatau 0.1.0

SDL gem for ruby

3.126 Descargas

gohttp 0.1.0

an http library with go.

3.122 Descargas

gcs 0.1.1

Groovenauts' wrapper library for Google Cloud Storage with google-api-ruby-client

3.118 Descargas

Total de descargas 14.179.589

Para esta versión 114.867

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.8.23
