Dependencias inversas para rake-compiler La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rake-compiler
numo-binrw 0.2.1
Read binary files and handle them with `NArray`.
5.047 Descargas
protobuf_java_helpers 0.2.0
Java helpers for ruby-protobuf/protobuf
5.046 Descargas
tree-sitter 0.1.0
Ruby bindings to Tree-Sitter
4.973 Descargas
bridge-ruby 0.2.0
Bridge client for Ruby.
4.944 Descargas
libsnappy 0.1.0
Snappy, a fast compressor/decompressor (courtesy of Google)
4.932 Descargas
visibility_monitor 0.1.0
Provide a hook into method visibility changes
4.929 Descargas
caffe 0.2.0
A ruby wrapper of the deep leaning framework
4.885 Descargas
ign-phashion 1.0.3
Simple wrapper around the pHash library
4.883 Descargas
native-gem 0.0.1
A simple gem with native extensions, built using bunlder and rake-compiler
4.815 Descargas
factorials 0.0.2
Factorials as C extension.
4.811 Descargas
rb_tuntap 0.2.0
This library allows you to create and interact with TUN/TAP devices using Ruby. See the...
4.810 Descargas
Ballistics-ng is based (currently) on C code derived from the GNU Ballistics project; t...
4.799 Descargas
Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
4.797 Descargas
geo_normalize 0.1.0
GeoIP city name normalization
4.779 Descargas
A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
4.772 Descargas
wj_eventmachine 1.3.2
EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
4.766 Descargas
rc6 1.0.0
Fast RC6 decrypt/encrypt using C extension
4.750 Descargas
libdeflate 0.2.0
Ruby bindings for libdeflate.
4.717 Descargas
csquare-cast 0.2.2
CAST parses C code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), lets you break it, then vomit it...
4.717 Descargas
corfucrmod 1.0.1
CorFu, the Coderunner/Trinity Fusion Optimisation Framework allows the optimisation...
4.712 Descargas
cogito 0.2.0
A ruby library that wraps libcogito
4.693 Descargas
mysql2-sp 0.3.10
A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
4.661 Descargas
given_keyword_args 0.1.1
Access Helper to all keyword args
4.645 Descargas
phonet 0.0.1
This is a wrapper for the phonet library
4.629 Descargas
preplay_hiredis 0.4.6
Ruby extension that wraps Hiredis (blocking connection and reply parsing)
4.623 Descargas
lazy_proxy 0.0.3
Efficient lazy object proxy
4.617 Descargas
hello_ext 0.0.1
a test to build C extension gem
4.608 Descargas
lib_ruby_diff 0.1.1
Ruby bindings for librsync signature generation, patch generation, and patch applicatio...
4.597 Descargas
jitera-google-protobuf 3.21.12.pre.beta.3
Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.
4.575 Descargas
menoh 1.0.1
Ruby binding of ONNX runtime engine 'Menoh'
4.568 Descargas