Dependencias inversas para rake-compiler La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rake-compiler
ckafka 0.3.0
interface to the rdkafka C library
8.965 Descargas
pi_wire 0.0.4
Ruby bindings to WiringPi
8.881 Descargas
lowess 1.0.1
Runs the Lowess smoothing algorithm
8.879 Descargas
word2vec-rb 0.5.0
To use this gem is required the file`vectors.bin` where is stored the output of the Goo...
8.832 Descargas
mysql_make_scrambled_password 0.1.2
Execute MySQL PASSWORD() function in Ruby.
8.819 Descargas
pg_query_pg_ddm 0.6
Parses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser(This is a fork of...
8.777 Descargas
ccmath 0.2.718
Implement CMath with C.
8.768 Descargas
ruby-uriparser 0.2.1
Ruby wrapper for uriparser C library
8.744 Descargas
sjpeg 0.1.3
Ruby bindings for sjpeg
8.744 Descargas
mortar-pygments.rb 0.5.7
pygments.rb exposes the pygments syntax highlighter to Ruby
8.717 Descargas
yui 1.0.0
The yui gem provides a Ruby API to drive graphical (Qt, Gtk) or text-mode (ncurses) UIs...
8.691 Descargas
pledge 1.3.0
pledge exposes OpenBSD's pledge(2) and unveil(2) system calls to Ruby, allowing a progr...
8.545 Descargas
ent 0.1.0
Calculate the entropy of data
8.517 Descargas
vector_sse 0.0.4
VectorSse employs x86 Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE), v3 or greater, to accelerate bas...
8.484 Descargas
fast_bayes 1.1.0
A naive bayes text classification algorithm built in C++, with a Ruby interface using Rice
8.480 Descargas
ruby-libstorj 2.0.0
Ruby bindings to the libstorj C Storj API library
8.458 Descargas
yarv_generator 0.2.3
Ruby YARV instructions are too "internal" and hard to access from outside. This gem was...
8.446 Descargas
awesome-grpc-that-works 0.12.2
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
8.437 Descargas
embedding_go_in_a_gem 0.1.10
Can you embed a binary in a Gem? Can you distribute it to multiple architectures?
8.373 Descargas
embedding_go_in_a_gem 0.1.10
Can you embed a binary in a Gem? Can you distribute it to multiple architectures?
8.373 Descargas
embedding_go_in_a_gem 0.1.10
Can you embed a binary in a Gem? Can you distribute it to multiple architectures?
8.373 Descargas
A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
8.370 Descargas
journalist 0.0.3
Journalist is a gem that intends to make it really easy to get visibility into any ru...
8.341 Descargas
rodsec 0.0.5
A ruby ffi wrapper for ModSecurity that also provides a Rack middleware
8.329 Descargas
rmagick-windows 2.16.5
RMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick. Fix for windows.
8.329 Descargas
class_stat 0.0.3
Collect statistics about Class and Modules.
8.328 Descargas
libpng-ruby 0.7.0
libpng interface for ruby
8.319 Descargas
picojson_ruby 0.0.3
Memory saving JSON merge. Using picojson
8.285 Descargas
worldgen 0.0.4
Gem to handle procedural content generation for worlds.
8.281 Descargas
websocket-protocol 0.0.0
WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O
8.238 Descargas