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Dépendances inversées pour rails_best_practices Latest version of the following gems require rails_best_practices

ruby_osx_app 0.1.1

This gem operates on Mac OSX Applications to retrieve information from them.

5 843 Téléchargements

tal_style 1.0.1

Configuration files and other snippets to help you apply standards across multiple proj...

5 636 Téléchargements

schoolmaster 0.0.2

A gem that runs your tests, static codeanalysis, security and best practice checks.

5 296 Téléchargements

devver-metric_fu 1.3.3

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

5 226 Téléchargements

flyerhzm-metric_fu 1.0.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

5 100 Téléchargements

guard-railsbp 1.0.0

Guard plugin for Rails Best Practices

5 051 Téléchargements

code_analysis 1.0

Adds a task to run rubocop, reek, rails_best_practices and scss lint into your rails pr...

4 771 Téléchargements

rails_best_practices-rake_task 1.0.1

Add rails best practices to your project's build process

4 765 Téléchargements

correspondent 1.0.1

Dead simple configurable user notifications with little overhead.

4 616 Téléchargements

odor 0.0.1

Outputs a list of bits of code which should be reviewed as they could potentialy lead t...

4 152 Téléchargements

repo_analyzer 1.6.0

Rails engine to extract technical debt

4 133 Téléchargements

code_optimization 0.1.3

The best way to write a code called as code optimization. The best ways are ruby styleg...

3 428 Téléchargements

fastruby-metric_fu 5.0.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

2 028 Téléchargements

rubocop_reporting 0.1.0

Rubocop reporting description

2 026 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 14 989 183

Pour cette version 1 991 690



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3.0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.3.6
