RubyGems Navigation menu

rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails

rails_real_favicon 0.1.1

Generate and install a favicon for all platforms with RealFaviconGenerator.

1,258,440 下载

trix-rails 2.4.0

A rich text editor for everyday writing

1,244,487 下载

nifty-generators 0.4.6

A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentic...

1,234,490 下载

graphql_playground-rails 2.1.0

GraphQL Playground provides a UI similar to GraphiQL with more features

1,230,933 下载

where-or 0.1.6

Where or function backport from Rails 5 for Rails 4.2

1,189,478 下载

spreadsheet_architect 5.0.0

Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh...

1,175,011 下载

rschema 3.2.0

Schema-based validation and coercion for Ruby data structures, inspired by Prismati...

1,167,568 下载

spawnling 2.1.6

This plugin provides a 'Spawnling' class to easily fork OR thread long-running sections...

1,152,828 下载

active_storage_base64 3.0.0

Base64 support for ActiveStorage

1,151,576 下载

packs-rails 0.0.5

packs-rails establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large mono...

1,148,068 下载

prawnto_2 0.3.1

Simple PDF generation using the prawn library.

1,123,904 下载

translation 1.41

Localize your app using either t(".keys") or _("source text") and type "rake translatio...

1,120,882 下载

bootstrap4-kaminari-views 1.0.1

Bootstrap 4 styling for Kaminari gem

1,116,224 下载

resque-scheduler-web 1.1.0

Use this if you want to move to the new Resque Web plugin architecture for Resque Sched...

1,110,733 下载

mobile-fu 1.4.0

Want to automatically detect mobile devices that access your Rails application? Mobile ...

1,109,479 下载

rails_sortable 1.6.0

rails_sortable provides easy drag & drop sorting for rails 4 and 5.

1,105,909 下载

combined_time_select 2.0.0

Generates a time_select field like Google calendar.

1,103,409 下载

tabs_on_rails 3.0.0

TabsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating tabs and navigation menu for ...

1,098,707 下载

filepicker-rails 2.1.0

Makes integrating with rails 4 easy

1,097,419 下载

flot-rails 0.0.7

Provides easy installation and usage of jQuery-flot javascript library for your Rails 3...

1,091,348 下载

backbone-rails 1.2.3

Ships backbone and underscore to your Rails 3.1 application through the new asset pipel...

1,060,271 下载


This gem provides jquery-cookie assets for your Rails 3 application.

1,050,552 下载

delocalize 1.2.0

Delocalize is a tool for parsing localized dates/times and numbers.

1,040,124 下载

inline_forms 6.2.14

Inline Forms aims to ease the setup of forms that provide inline editing. The field lis...

1,033,068 下载

active_frontend 18.0.1

ActiveFrontend is a refreshingly modern responsive web framework for beautiful and fast...

1,029,085 下载

rails-footnotes 7.1.1

Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...

1,027,928 下载

spinjs-rails 1.4

An animated CSS3 loading spinner with VML fallback for IE.

1,022,659 下载

metamagic 3.1.7

Metamagic is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating meta tags.

1,020,276 下载

playbook_ui 13.31.0

Playbook UI is built out in Ruby View Components and React Components. Playbook takes a...

1,018,706 下载

phcmemberspro 92.0.3

Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage member information and business directory listings.

1,007,858 下载

下载总量 529,919,108

这个版本 938,699



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.8.11
