RubyGems Navigation menu

rackの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はrackを必要としています

warden-hmac-authentication 0.6.4

This gem provides request authentication via [HMAC](

573,005 ダウンロード数

snowplow_ruby_duid 1.1.0

A gem that exposes the Snowplow domain userid in Rack applications. Also allows you to ...

567,535 ダウンロード数

cache 0.4.1

Wraps memcached, redis(-namespace), memcache-client, dalli and handles their weirdnesse...

552,390 ダウンロード数

rack-p3p 0.5.0

Rack-P3p is rack middleware for inserting P3P headers into apps. This will allow your a...

540,108 ダウンロード数

async-rack 0.5.1

Makes middleware that ships with Rack bullet-proof for async responses.

539,453 ダウンロード数

rspec-http 0.11.0

RSpec HTTP is an extension library that makes it easier to write specs for HTTP/REST APIs

527,400 ダウンロード数

hanami-assets 2.1.0

Assets management for Ruby web applications

525,115 ダウンロード数

rack-iframe 0.0.3

Rack middleware for enabling problematic web browsers (Internet Explorer and Safari) to...

521,472 ダウンロード数

revision_plate 0.1.2

Rack middleware and application to show deployed application's revision (commit)

519,612 ダウンロード数

litmus-instant 0.3.1

Ruby client library for Litmus Instant API, provides the simplest way to capture instan...

517,880 ダウンロード数

guard-rack 2.2.1

Automatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard.

507,013 ダウンロード数

pact-messages 0.2.0

Enables consumer driven contract testing for asynchronous message driven systems.

491,829 ダウンロード数

rack-maintenance 3.0.0

Detect and show a maintenance page

472,436 ダウンロード数

dashing 1.3.7

This framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...

464,839 ダウンロード数

ld-patch 3.3.0

Implements the W3C Linked Data Patch Format and operations for RDF.rb. Makes use of...

460,851 ダウンロード数

rack-accept-media-types 0.9

Rack middleware for simplified handling of Accept header. Accept header parser.

460,357 ダウンロード数

fix_microsoft_links 0.1.6

Fixes redirects to login pages when a user clicks a link to your site from a Microsoft ...

449,221 ダウンロード数

rails_failover 2.1.0

Failover for ActiveRecord and Redis

448,629 ダウンロード数

pact_broker 2.110.0

A server that stores and returns pact files generated by the pact gem. It enables head/...

448,510 ダウンロード数

rack-affiliates 0.4.0

If the user clicked through from an affiliated site, this middleware will track affilia...

444,463 ダウンロード数

rack-google-analytics 1.2.0

Simple Rack middleware for implementing google analytics tracking in your Ruby-Rack bas...

442,240 ダウンロード数

warden-github 1.3.2

A warden strategy for easy oauth integration with github

438,693 ダウンロード数

cuba 4.0.3

Cuba is a microframework for web applications.

426,812 ダウンロード数

rack-app 11.0.2

Minimalist rack application interface building framework.

421,516 ダウンロード数

klaviyo 2.4.0

Ruby wrapper for the Klaviyo API

417,790 ダウンロード数

chef-server-webui 10.30.4

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

417,232 ダウンロード数

riddl 1.0.4

REST service interface definition, mixing, and evolution. Supports mixed http and xmpp ...

417,056 ダウンロード数

rack-link_headers 2.4.0

Easy Link header management for rack responses.

409,364 ダウンロード数

rack-flags 0.3.1

This is a simple lightweight way to expose work-in-progress functionality to developers...

408,159 ダウンロード数

flying-sphinx 3.0.0

Hooks Thinking Sphinx into the Flying Sphinx service

407,848 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 907,077,707

このバージョンのみ 30,032



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.4.0
