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Dépendances inversées pour pundit Latest version of the following gems require pundit

infinum_json_api_setup 0.0.8

Preconfigured setup for building JSON:API endpoints

10 632 Téléchargements

pundit_roles 0.6.0

Extends Pundit with roles, allowing attribute and association level authorizations, sui...

10 015 Téléchargements

pundit_logger 0.1.1

Pundit is a lightweight authorization gem. But, in complex Rails apps, it can be diffic...

9 842 Téléchargements

pundit_namespaces 0.1.2

Add namespacing support to Pundit

9 681 Téléchargements

punditry 0.1.1

A super-slim wrapper on top of Pundit.

9 647 Téléchargements

pg_rails 7.0.7

Rails goodies.

9 481 Téléchargements

revelry_auth 0.0.1

Authentication and authorization for Revelry toolkit apps using Devise, Rolify and Pundit.

9 287 Téléchargements

ecm_user_area 1.0.2.pre

ECM User Area.

8 690 Téléchargements

dune-api 1.1.0

This is the implementation of Dune API from neighborly api

8 196 Téléchargements

test_unit_pundit 0.3.0

Test::Unit support for Pundit

8 002 Téléchargements

oxen_message 0.0.3

Basic messaging capabilities means, first and foremost, email/twitter/sms et al.

7 926 Téléchargements

hatchy 0.0.8.pre

Open-source crowdfunding platform

7 813 Téléchargements

dash_api 0.0.25

Dash is a Rails engine that auto-generates a REST API for your postgres database.

7 663 Téléchargements

sinatra-pundit 0.2.0

Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes in your Sinatra application.

7 473 Téléchargements

layers_of_london-booth-map_tool 0.2

Booth poverty map tool API for Layers Of London

7 319 Téléchargements

identity_toolbox 1.0.0

Tools to provide user authorization and data scoping.

7 067 Téléchargements

cancancancan 0.0.2


6 839 Téléchargements

shoulda-matchers-pundit 0.0.2

Shoulda Matchers for Pundit & Setup for RSpec/Minitest

6 748 Téléchargements

grabli 0.2.1

Grab permissions from your Pundit policies

6 486 Téléchargements

cortex 0.1.3

An API-driven multitenant identity, custom content distribution/management and reportin...

6 316 Téléchargements

terrain 0.0.3


6 252 Téléchargements

neeto-commons-backend 1.0.109

Keeps all the common code of neeto products at one place

6 192 Téléchargements

jellyfish-manageiq 0.0.3

A Manage IQ gem for Project Jellyfish

6 087 Téléchargements

pundit-before 0.0.1

Adds before hook to pundit policy classes

6 071 Téléchargements

domain_driven_rails 0.0.1

Domain Driven Rails provides Rails abstract classes and generators to support for a Dom...

5 805 Téléchargements

active_admin_basic_authorization_adapter 0.1.0

Warning, this gem is just a test for now has not a good test coverage. Feel free to o...

5 768 Téléchargements

pundit_custom_errors 0.9.0

An extension for the Pundit gem that enables the creation of c...

5 192 Téléchargements

graphql-pundit2 1

Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter

4 393 Téléchargements

api_guardian 1.0.0.pre.beta1

Drop in authorization and authentication suite for Rails APIs. Features include use...

3 759 Téléchargements

active_manageable 0.2.0

Framework for business logic classes in a Ruby on Rails application

3 630 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 65 038 533

Pour cette version 111 401



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
