RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para puma La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren puma

sportweb 0.3.3

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

22.297 Descargas

capybara-ui 1.3.0

Capybara-UI (formerly called Dill) is a Capybara abstraction that makes it easy to defi...

22.286 Descargas

mumukit-service 3.0.2

Little framework for building stateful mumuki services

22.284 Descargas

stats_lite 0.8.1

Get system information for linux hosts. Standalone or rails engine. Rufus scheduler inc...

22.177 Descargas

spina-conferences-primer_theme-fork 1.0.3

Frontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.

22.136 Descargas

rails-dev-bundle 0.2

Metagem with dependencies to helpful developer gems

22.067 Descargas

cmor_legal_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Legal::Frontend Module.

22.039 Descargas

spina-admin-journal 1.0.0

Manage journal submissions and publications within SpinaCMS.

21.550 Descargas

roundabout 0.3.1

A Rails Engine that generates a page transition diagram for your Rails app from request...

21.334 Descargas

hyper-state 0.1

Flux Stores and more for Hyperloop

21.273 Descargas

hyperstack-config 0.1

Provides a single point configuration module for hyperstack gems

21.264 Descargas

zooniverse_social 1.3.1

Social media aggregation service for the Zooniverse

21.187 Descargas

blsk_ruby_core_api 0.1.8

Code Skeleton for blsk Service Core

21.121 Descargas

tamashii-manager 0.3.0

The IoT device manager for RubyConf checkin system.

21.049 Descargas

tybo 0.3.19

Custom admin engine for Ruby on Rails working with generators

21.014 Descargas

cucoo 0.0.8

This gem offers a DSL on top of webmock, cucumber and json_spec to make testing APIs on...

20.842 Descargas

fragrant 0.0.6

Generate and manage Vagrant boxes remotely

20.584 Descargas

ipcam 0.4.2

Sample application for "V4L2 for Ruby".

20.317 Descargas

spina-admin-conferences 2.2.0

Keep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.

20.315 Descargas

oxy 0.1.11

Oxy is a web server for static sites

20.245 Descargas

ji2p 0.0.5

JRuby interface for I2P

20.182 Descargas

piedesaint 0.2.1

Drop-in web server to serve files and tar'ed directories. Use it as a tool to make avai...

20.018 Descargas

lux-fw 0.5.37

Ruby framework optimized for speed and linghtness

19.837 Descargas

devise-otp 0.7.1

Time Based OTP/rfc6238 compatible authentication for Devise

19.794 Descargas

rate_limiter 0.1.0

Adds creation rate limiting to ActiveRecord models.

19.322 Descargas

anycable-rack-server 0.5.1

AnyCable-compatible Ruby Rack middleware

19.224 Descargas

activeadmin_jfu_upload 0.2.4

An Active Admin plugin to use jQuery-File-Upload component

19.195 Descargas

feste 0.4.2

Give your users the ability to manage their email subscriptions in your Rails application.

19.149 Descargas

mailcatcher-jruby 1.1.5

[JRuby portion] of the original MailCatcher. MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP s...

18.861 Descargas

active_record_migration_ui 0.1.2

Shows a web view when you have pending migration scripts and executes them for your aut...

18.724 Descargas

Total de descargas 374.055.099

Para esta versión 13.621.065



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
