RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour puma Latest version of the following gems require puma

active_record_migration_ui 0.1.2

Shows a web view when you have pending migration scripts and executes them for your aut...

18 740 Téléchargements

savon-ng-1.6 2.4.1

This a fork from Daniel Harrington's savon with nokogiri updated to 1.6

18 569 Téléchargements

ruby-ant-server 0.7.2

This gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages

18 429 Téléchargements

turbo_boost-commands 0.3.2

Commands to help you build robust reactive applications with Rails & Hotwire.

18 199 Téléchargements

maglev 0.0.5

Maglev is a simple CMS mountable engine to quickly add intelligent pages to your site

18 001 Téléchargements

invoice_printer_server 2.3.0

Super simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).

17 571 Téléchargements

tairu 0.11.0

Simple Tile Server for Ruby

17 334 Téléchargements

umbra-rb 0.3.0

A shadow requesting library for rack based applications

17 164 Téléchargements

game_machine 1.0.4

game server

17 159 Téléchargements

warpcore 0.2.2

A set of components and classes for quickly building cloud applications and infrastruct...

17 107 Téléchargements

calagator 1.1.0

Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

16 796 Téléchargements

simple_pvr 1.1.0

TV recorder for the HDHomeRun tuners. XMLTV support, nice web GUI for planning your rec...

16 714 Téléchargements

apiotics-test 0.1.66


16 684 Téléchargements

rails-tracer 0.5.0

Rack OpenTracing middleware enhanced for Rails

16 641 Téléchargements

mini_cli 0.2.2

CLI for microservices

16 459 Téléchargements

rack-auth-krb 0.2.1

This library allows Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication using either Basic method or Negot...

16 450 Téléchargements

rails_charts 0.0.6

One more solution to create charts in Ruby on Rails application

16 416 Téléchargements

file_sv 0.3.0

Create a virtual REST service through file structure. Customize it more through ERB and...

16 129 Téléchargements

pg_rails 7.0.7

Rails goodies.

16 074 Téléchargements

beryl 0.3.1

Web framework

16 038 Téléchargements

ahoy_captain 1.1.0

A full-featured, mountable analytics dashboard for your Rails app, powered by Ahoy.

15 624 Téléchargements

kadim 0.4.0

Don't let admins pull out your hair!

15 592 Téléchargements

rack-test_server 0.2.0

Simple HTTP server launcher for Rack application (Sinatra, Rails, etc...)

15 118 Téléchargements

turbo_reflex 0.0.31

TurboReflex extends Turbo Frames and adds support for client triggered reflexes (think ...

15 016 Téléchargements

derail_specs 0.7.0

Rails test server for external tests.

14 746 Téléchargements

hiera-browser 1.2.3

Tries to guess what values hiera will return for any existing node in your infrastructure

14 700 Téléchargements

fast_send 1.2.2

Send bursts of large files quickly via Rack

14 672 Téléchargements

eir 0.2.0

["Easily", "monitor", "the", "health", "of", "arbitrary", "URI's", "defined", "in", "YA...

14 488 Téléchargements

konstant 0.1.2

Continous delivery made easy.

14 479 Téléchargements

activeadmin_materialize_theme 0.2.6

A theme for Active Admin based on Materialize framework.

14 327 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 374 765 528

Pour cette version 13 878 309



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
