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public_suffix 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 public_suffix

bitter_domain 0.1.4

Get a list of available domains 1 bit away from a given domain

6,735 下載

DNSUpdater 1.2.0

Using this application you can configure local or remote (over SSH or HTTP) DNS such as...

6,615 下載

google-seller-rating 1.0.5

Fetch Google Seller Rating

5,337 下載

lazy_domain 0.0.2

The PublicSuffix gem works great if you give it nice, clean domains WITHOUT a transfer ...

5,120 下載

doi_extractor 1.0.16

Command line tool to package IPUMS DOI extracts

4,046 下載


IDE tools for code completion, inline documentation, and static analysis

3,843 下載

cookiejar_of_greed 0.0.2

Cookiejar of greed is an implementation of cookiejar focused on browser compatibility a...

3,758 下載

domain-validator-jp 0.1.1

domain name validator includes JP domain

3,729 下載

domain_validator-jp 0.1.3

domain name validator includes JP domain

3,710 下載

ykcitool 0.4.14

基于fastlane的 iOS 打包工具.

3,654 下載

domain_parser 0.1.0

Gem for parsing domain of url

3,298 下載

koji 0.1.0

A development/staging environment detector.

2,539 下載

bld 0.1.12

CLI for

2,388 下載

innkeeper 0.1.0

Innkeeper allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord

2,315 下載

octopod-exe 0.9.4

Enables you to publish your podcast using the Jekyll static site generator, creating fe...

2,200 下載

swot2 1.0.0

Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help...

2,182 下載

vagrant-openstack-illuin-provider 0.12.0

Enables Vagrant to manage machines in OpenStack Cloud.

2,166 下載

workin 0.1.0

Helpper to transfer the rvm control to current selected workdir.

2,060 下載

cosmicgraph 0.49.5

IDE tools for code completion, inline documentation, and static analysis

1,889 下載

spree_rejoiner 1.0.1

Supports Rejoiner2

1,872 下載

lame-sitemapper 0.1.0

It starts from the arbitrary page you provide and descents into the tree of links until...

1,737 下載


A typo-squatting and phishing domain detector.

1,648 下載

ekylibre-multi_tenancy 0.2.0

Apartment integration as a plugin for Ekylibre

1,638 下載

puzzle-apartment 2.12.0

Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord

1,292 下載

new_cms_scanner 0.13.7

Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners

1,097 下載

riemann-rdap 1.0.0

Submit domain expiration information to Riemann

196 下載

總下載次數 721,865,421

這個版本 11,643,770



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6
