RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour pry-debugger Latest version of the following gems require pry-debugger

traffic_light_controller 0.0.6

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

15 075 Téléchargements

action-gmailer 0.1.0

ActionGmailer, oauth/gmail delivery method

15 007 Téléchargements

tengine_job_agent 1.2.2

tengine_job_agent works with tengine_job

14 651 Téléchargements

reloadlive 1.0.4

Reloadlive is a command line tool to easily preview your github-markup files

14 304 Téléchargements

countries_ru 0.1.0

All sorts of useful information about every country in russian language. Data from http...

13 940 Téléchargements

esapiserver 0.0.6

A Sinatra/MongoDB API server to use for EmberJS development

13 691 Téléchargements

rhcf-utils 0.0.5

Personal set of ruby recurrent utility tools.

12 898 Téléchargements

date_params 2.0.1

Dates passed in by date-pickers or text-input fields to a rails controller need to be c...

12 620 Téléchargements

ecstatic 0.0.5

A static site generator focused on simplicity

12 611 Téléchargements

memphis 0.1.0

Use The Echo Nest's Rosetta Stone project to look up IDs for various other services.

12 571 Téléchargements

vito 0.0.5

Vito installs webservers for you very easily. Its goal is to be opinionated, with a sha...

11 689 Téléchargements

terragona 0.3.0

Create polygons from geonames places and other sources

11 659 Téléchargements

lab42_nhash 0.1.2

A Nested Hash with dotted access à la I18n in Rails

11 249 Téléchargements

antipodes 0.0.3

Calculate the antipodes of any point on Earth given latitude and longitude, or using ge...

10 810 Téléchargements


Hyperdex client bindings

10 563 Téléchargements

capuchin 0.0.3

Jekyll for email newsletters

10 397 Téléchargements

excite 2.1.4

Parse citations

10 298 Téléchargements

cathode 0.1.1

Provides dynamic (runtime, no generated files) boilerplate (routes + controllers) and d...

9 856 Téléchargements

denotificator 0.0.3

Denotificator unsubscribes you from notifications where you aren't directed mentioned

9 809 Téléchargements

msewage-importer 0.0.3

Import data from JSON or CSV files into mSewage (

9 765 Téléchargements

access_policy_rails 0.0.2

Object oriented authorization for ruby.

9 522 Téléchargements

falcor 0.0.3

Quickly build example data

9 411 Téléchargements

samenessed 0.1.2

Samenessed provides access to the sameness service using simple object methods.

9 343 Téléchargements

marquise 0.2.0

Ruby bindings for the marquise data-point transport for Vaultaire

9 222 Téléchargements

ruby_valve 0.0.4

This gem provide a mechanism for doing easy flow type code pattern

9 164 Téléchargements

io_mailer 0.0.3

IOMailer is a simple script for executing commands and shell scripts, collecting their ...

8 975 Téléchargements

foogem2 0.0.3

No, seriously, just a quick gem I cooked up

8 939 Téléchargements

tengine_resource_ec2 1.2.2

tengine_resource_ec2 provides physical/virtual server management for EC2

8 904 Téléchargements

memory_logger 0.0.3

Useful in test scenarios to inspect log output.

8 871 Téléchargements

s3twin 0.0.5

Mirror a S3 Bucket via command line, with support for remote workers (and scheduling).

8 836 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 900 513

Pour cette version 1 064 379



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.2
