RubyGems Navigation menu

plist 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 plist

launchd 0.2.1

Ruby-Launchd is like launchctl (or the famous lunchy). It lets you easily create, start...

9,370 下载

csv2plist 0.0.2

Takes a comma-separated variable (CSV) file and generates a Property List (PLIST) file ...

9,287 下载

dean 0.0.3

An (opinionated) CLI tool to ease mundane tasks of the iOS beta distribution

9,071 下载

rescodegen 0.2.0

Converts localised string files into Objective-C and Swift code.

9,020 下载

serverkit-defaults 0.0.3

Serverkit plug-in for defaults(1) of Mac OS X.

8,903 下载

cocoapods-submit 0.2.0

CocoaPods plugin that let's you build and submit builds to iTunes Connect, thanks to no...

8,736 下载

mootool 0.2.8

mootool is a swiss army knife for dealing with Apple Mach-O files

8,682 下载

iphoto2 1.0.1

iphoto contains methods to parse and access the contents of the iPhoto pictures.

8,491 下载

tuneup-plist-to-junit 0.0.3

Processes a UIAutomation plist file as generated by TuneupJS into a JUnit XML format so...

8,438 下载

ykfastlane 0.3.13

基于fastlane的 iOS 打包工具.

7,800 下载

resource_mapper 0.0.4

Creates a resource for a model in sinatra

7,788 下载

golden_rose 0.1.0

A tool for generating reports from Xcode results bundle. Analyze results bundle direc...

7,762 下载

xcarchive 1.0.0

A command line utility for managing Xcode archives

7,553 下载

KMQToolKitGem 0.2.1

Generate necessary Objective-C headers and implementation files to support development ...

7,358 下载

rxcode 0.0.6

A Ruby interface for working with XCode projects.

7,346 下载

ultra_pow_list 0.1.1

Ultraviolet + TextPow + PList for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9

7,291 下载

aniero-iphone_data 0.1.0

Script to dump data from an iPhone's sync backup files.

7,249 下载

geo_stalker 0.1.2

Get your location using your around wifi access point.

7,131 下载

textpow19 0.11.0

A library for parsing {TextMate}[] bundles.

7,128 下载

rubymine2xcode-theme 0.0.2

A tool for converting Rubymine XML theme files into Xcode theme files

6,967 下载

ios_config_profile 1.4.1

Generate Apple iOS configuration profiles and payloads

6,937 下载

cocoapods-mars 0.0.20

A short description of cocoapods-mars.

6,804 下载

fastlane-plugin-verify_ipa 0.4.1

Verify various aspects of iOS ipa file

6,754 下载

provision_util 0.1.0

You can read provision profile into Hash, get signed certificate and verify it with p12...

6,744 下载

lllibrary 0.0.2

lllibrary is a Ruby library for managing and querying a music library.

6,690 下载

vpn-config 1.0.2

Generate signed and unsigned iOS/OS X configuration profiles for VPNs

6,523 下载

capor 0.0.4

Capor is command line tool for parser iOS .ipa file, you cat the ipa package info like ...

6,288 下载

picon 1.0.0

This gem generates identicons for iOS apps. It is helpful for developers who cannot cre...

6,181 下载

pkgpurge 0.1.3

A simple helper tool to purge `intaller(8)` packages

6,134 下载

xcodesnippet 0.0.2

A command-line interface for installing Xcode Snippets.

6,011 下载

下载总量 126,208,493

这个版本 7,274,208



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
