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patron 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 patron

newrelic_patron 1.0.1

Patron instrumentation for Newrelic.

5,663 下載

brauchbar 0.1.0

adj, German. practical, convenient, utilizable, feasible AKA a decent HTTP client for Ruby

5,506 下載

httpalooza 1.0.1

HTTPalooza brings together the best Ruby HTTP clients on one stage.

5,288 下載

fotolia 0.0.1

Provides a ruby interface to Fotolia via its XML-RPC api.

5,023 下載

event_inventory 0.0.1

An interface library for the Event Inventory web service.

4,883 下載

devino_sms 0.0.2

Send sms with

4,722 下載

pillow 0.5.0

Ruby HTTP client that takes full advantage of HTTP.

4,648 下載

dickburt 0.0.5

Dickburt finds pugs

4,627 下載

rackspace_cloud 0.4.0

Gem enabling the management of Rackspace Cloud Server instances.

4,582 下載

lowang-rubberband 0.0.3

An ElasticSearch Client with ThriftClient-like failover handling.

4,471 下載

ticket_network 0.0.3

An interface library for the Ticket Network web service.

4,356 下載

asklytics-influxdb-rails 1.0.0

Instrumentation of rails app

4,336 下載

qpay 1.6.0

api doc:

4,229 下載

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-cluster 0.1.0

ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector, based on fluent-plugin-elastics...

4,049 下載

twtmore 0.1.0

The twtmore gem connects to twtmore.

3,999 下載

tpb_wrap 0.1.0

Wrapper around pirate bay

3,857 下載

xp_ruby_client 0.1.2

Ruby client for A/B/ Xperiments tool

3,713 下載

fluent-plugin-elasticsearchfork 0.5.1

ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector

3,669 下載

jackal-copperegg 0.1.0

Copperegg callback helpers

3,548 下載

supple 0.1.0

A modern es plugin

3,486 下載

mustwin-vcr 2.9.3

Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for ...

3,323 下載

elasticsearch-transport-pixlee 1.0.13

Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

3,300 下載

elasticsearch-transport-sinneduy 1.0.12

Ruby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.

3,295 下載

foxy 0.1.0

A set of foxy tools for make easy retrieve information for another servers.

3,218 下載

hipflag 1.0.0

This gem is a Ruby client for interacting with Hipflag API. Hipflag is a tool that allo...

2,698 下載

mercedes 1.0.0

This client allows to access to relevant information about Mercedes-Benz vehicles and m...

2,127 下載

thtp 0.1.0

A client/server implementation of THTP: Thrift-RPC over HTTP as a Rack app

2,052 下載

總下載次數 4,010,457

這個版本 1,788,900


Ruby 版本需求: >= 0

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.2.0
