RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para parallel La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren parallel

consul-templaterb 1.36.0

A ruby implementation of Consul Template with support of erb templating with hi-perform...

207.282 Descargas

filbunke 2.1.7

Filbunke client and library

203.897 Descargas

biodiversity19 3.1.7

Tools for biodiversity informatics

199.284 Descargas

masamune 0.19.1

Hybrid Data & Work Flow

197.447 Descargas

hotdog 1.20191028.1

Yet another command-line tool for Datadog

196.282 Descargas

mihari 7.6.1

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

172.957 Descargas

leftovers 0.12.2

Find unused methods and classes/modules

172.173 Descargas

acts_as_scrubbable 2.1.3

ActsAsScrubbable helps you scrub your database the easy way with mock data at the Activ...

171.521 Descargas

spellr 0.11.0

Spell check your source code

169.563 Descargas

cocoapods-bin 0.1.30

cocoapods-bin is a plugin which helps develpers switching pods between source code and ...

167.957 Descargas

gman 7.0.6

A ruby gem to check if the owner of a given email address is working for THE MAN.

157.429 Descargas

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.4 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

151.017 Descargas

octocatalog-diff 2.1.0

Octocatalog-Diff assists with Puppet development and testing by enabling the user to co...

150.840 Descargas

tw 1.3.1

CUI Twitter Client.

147.566 Descargas

openstudio-extension 0.8.0

openstudio base gem for creating generic extensions with encapsulated data and measures...

129.553 Descargas

aws_recon 0.5.33

AWS Recon is a command line tool to collect resources from an Amazon Web Services (AWS)...

123.227 Descargas

chrono_logger 1.1.2

A lock-free logger with timebased file rotation.

122.754 Descargas

cicd-builder 0.9.64

Jenkins builder task for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery artifact promotion ...

121.956 Descargas

knife-inspect 0.16.1

knife-inspect is a knife plugin to compare the content of your Chef repository and Chef...

120.213 Descargas

gems_comparator 0.4.0

A comparator for Gemfile.lock that generate the GitHub's compare view urls

119.273 Descargas

templatecop 0.4.0

RuboCop runner framework for template language.

119.265 Descargas

miam 0.2.4

Miam is a tool to manage IAM. It defines the state of IAM using DSL, and updates IAM ac...

118.386 Descargas

bundler-diff 0.7.0

BundlerDiff show changes with GitHub comapre view urls.

111.771 Descargas

airbrake-api 4.6.1

A ruby wrapper for the Airbrake API

109.084 Descargas

doggy 2.1.1

Syncs and manages DataDog dashboards, alerts, screenboards, and monitors.

108.556 Descargas

prebundler 0.15.1

Gem dependency prebuilder

107.191 Descargas

brakeman-lib 6.1.2

Brakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal...

105.911 Descargas

sidekiq-debouncer 2.0.2

Sidekiq extension that adds the ability to debounce job execution. Worker will postpone...

105.724 Descargas

cf_light_api 3.1.2

A super lightweight API for reading App and Org data from CloudFoundry, cached in Redis.

103.640 Descargas

cocoapods-binary-cache 0.1.14

Reduce build time by building pod frameworks and cache to remote storage, reuse on mult...

103.574 Descargas

Total de descargas 461.280.125

Para esta versión 24.634.421



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5
