RubyGems Navigation menu

openssl 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 openssl

shadowsocks_ruby 0.1.2

ShadowsocksRuby is a SOCKS (layer 4) like tunnel proxy to help you bypass firewalls.

6,123 下载

ocawari 0.9.7

If there is one thing that has plagued me over the years, it's that I constantly have m...

6,107 下载

mint_http 1.0.0

Like a mint breeze, MintHttp allows you to write simple HTTP requests while giving you ...

6,107 下载

yamp 1.0.0

A minimal CLI-based password manager built upon redis-cache

5,953 下载

adobe_doc_api 0.2.1

Ruby interface for Adobe PDF Services API Document Generation

5,913 下载

krn-auth-ruby 0.1.2

Validate KRN JWT Tokens

5,752 下载

ruby-hmac-openssl 0.1.0

OpenSSL replacement for Ruby-HMAC

5,698 下载

veracode-api 0.6.1

Ruby API Wrapper to access Veracode Security Analysis Service API. This gem is not used...

5,690 下载

huobi_api 0.1.2

A ruby wrapper for the Huobi Pro API

5,630 下载

splynx_api 0.2.1

Simple Splynx REST API helper.

5,528 下载

rake-pro 0.1.2

Adds support for key/value store with template expansion, ssh tunneling, local and remo...

5,288 下载

new-game-scores 0.1.1

A scraper that find the latest reviews for videogames using

5,212 下载

klay 0.0.5

Library to handle Klaytn accounts, messages, and transactions.

5,182 下载

urlbox 0.1.3

Urlbox is the easiest, quickest, screenshot API. See for details.

5,079 下载


using ECC to enrypt private message with ruby ,the curve is SECP256k1

5,004 下载

nemid 0.3.0

Ruby gem that makes it easy to integrate the NemID JavaScript client

4,867 下载

cryptomarket-sdk 3.3.0

Cryptomarket sdk for rest connection and websocket connection for the ruby language

4,729 下载

oggcert 0.1.2

Cert Mangment tools

4,636 下载

telegram-auth 0.0.4

Gem to verify the auth hash for a telegram domain login

4,558 下载

cvprac 1.0.1

Arista REST API Client for CloudVision Portal

4,507 下载

bittrex_ruby 1.0.1

Provides a wrapper for Public/Account/Market APIs. Supports placing buy/s...

4,420 下载

image_metadata_scraper 0.1.1

Simple image metadata scraper.

4,337 下载

ykcitool 0.4.14

基于fastlane的 iOS 打包工具.

4,235 下载

lightrail_stripe 1.0.1

Acquire and retain customers using account credits, gift cards, promotions, and points.

4,222 下载

utkarshsoni 0.1.1

Foodie gem desc

4,167 下载

enviso 0.1.7

Ruby wrapper for the Enviso API

4,122 下载

payment-highway 0.1.1

Custom payments for your custom app. Api client for Payment Highway

4,069 下载

linzer 0.6.2

An implementation of HTTP Messages Signatures (RFC9421)

4,018 下载

izokatu 0.1.2

Ruby library that provides abstact interface for private-key and public-key cryptograph...

3,991 下载

oauth_header 0.1.1

Authorization auth header string maker helps you to generate OAuth Authorization with b...

3,958 下载

下载总量 53,364,861

这个版本 981,118



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0
