RubyGems Navigation menu

open_uri_redirections 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 open_uri_redirections

text_search 0.1.3

TextSearch allows to count the number of occurrences of a word in a text. You can use t...

9,335 下载

congress_v3 0.2.0

The Congress V3 API requires an API key which you can get at http://sunlightfoundation....

9,278 下载

slmndr 0.0.5

A minimalistic ruby web crawling framework. See f...

9,008 下载

reddit_wallpaper 0.0.3

Download the latest images from your favorite subreddit and set them as your desktop ba...

8,171 下载

canvas_data_client 0.0.5

Wraps the endpoints provided by Canvas Data.

7,735 下载

bunto-import 3.0.0

Provides the Import command for Bunto.

7,305 下载

pirat 0.0.4

edited pirata gem -

7,114 下载

Fast_Food_Nutrition 1.2.1

Finds nutrition information for items from top QSRs

6,865 下载

creepy-crawler 1.0.2

web crawler that generates a sitemap to a neo4j database. It will also store broken_lin...

6,576 下载

processing.rb 1.1.1

Processing.rb runs a Processing sketch written in Ruby, and reloads it automatically wh...

5,930 下载

nba-draft-2017 0.1.7

Retrieve draft picks and corresponding details from the 2017 NBA draft

5,688 下载

house.rb 0.1.1

The Podcast RSS Reader and Diagnostician

5,663 下载

steam_deals_cli 1.0.1

Pull prices, sales, video game names, and daily deals off Steam DB

5,319 下载

google-seller-rating 1.0.5

Fetch Google Seller Rating

5,277 下载

rinkusukurepa 0.1.1

A library for Scraping a webpage by it's url and return the web page title, description...

4,725 下载

sentry-titles 0.1.0

Parses HTML-titles and outputs them to the channel

4,616 下载

gov_scooper 0.1.1

Scooper of metadata

4,186 下载


transmission-rss is basically a workaround for transmission's lack of the ability t...

4,097 下载

nytimes-top-stories 0.1.6

Pulls headlines from the NYT website and offers more information on request

4,048 下载

deedveloper 0.1.1

Deedveloper is an search engine in Ruby.

3,422 下载

wjordan213.csvlint 0.2.8

CSV Validator

2,992 下载

wjordan213-csvlint 0.2.8

CSV Validator

2,939 下载

best-movies-ever-cli-gem 0.1.0

100 Best Films according to Rotten Tomatoes

2,493 下载

bestselling_games 0.1.0

This gem allows you to list Gamestop's best selling games for each system, and the deta...

2,427 下载

newegg_top_games 0.1.0

A CLI for viewing the top selling games on

2,381 下载

nyt_fiction 0.1.2

Provides information on the current bestsellers

2,294 下载

restaurant_crawler 0.1.0

A simply web crawler.

2,280 下载

web-potato 0.0.6

Web Potato browses his favorite sites and tells you what is hot.

2,050 下载

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2,008 下载

下载总量 10,169,958

这个版本 9,545,619



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
