RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour open_uri_redirections Latest version of the following gems require open_uri_redirections

text_search 0.1.3

TextSearch allows to count the number of occurrences of a word in a text. You can use t...

9 335 Téléchargements

congress_v3 0.2.0

The Congress V3 API requires an API key which you can get at http://sunlightfoundation....

9 278 Téléchargements

slmndr 0.0.5

A minimalistic ruby web crawling framework. See f...

9 008 Téléchargements

reddit_wallpaper 0.0.3

Download the latest images from your favorite subreddit and set them as your desktop ba...

8 173 Téléchargements

canvas_data_client 0.0.5

Wraps the endpoints provided by Canvas Data.

7 735 Téléchargements

bunto-import 3.0.0

Provides the Import command for Bunto.

7 308 Téléchargements

pirat 0.0.4

edited pirata gem -

7 118 Téléchargements

Fast_Food_Nutrition 1.2.1

Finds nutrition information for items from top QSRs

6 865 Téléchargements

creepy-crawler 1.0.2

web crawler that generates a sitemap to a neo4j database. It will also store broken_lin...

6 576 Téléchargements

processing.rb 1.1.1

Processing.rb runs a Processing sketch written in Ruby, and reloads it automatically wh...

5 931 Téléchargements

nba-draft-2017 0.1.7

Retrieve draft picks and corresponding details from the 2017 NBA draft

5 691 Téléchargements

house.rb 0.1.1

The Podcast RSS Reader and Diagnostician

5 663 Téléchargements

steam_deals_cli 1.0.1

Pull prices, sales, video game names, and daily deals off Steam DB

5 319 Téléchargements

google-seller-rating 1.0.5

Fetch Google Seller Rating

5 277 Téléchargements

rinkusukurepa 0.1.1

A library for Scraping a webpage by it's url and return the web page title, description...

4 725 Téléchargements

sentry-titles 0.1.0

Parses HTML-titles and outputs them to the channel

4 616 Téléchargements

gov_scooper 0.1.1

Scooper of metadata

4 186 Téléchargements


transmission-rss is basically a workaround for transmission's lack of the ability t...

4 097 Téléchargements

nytimes-top-stories 0.1.6

Pulls headlines from the NYT website and offers more information on request

4 050 Téléchargements

deedveloper 0.1.1

Deedveloper is an search engine in Ruby.

3 422 Téléchargements

wjordan213.csvlint 0.2.8

CSV Validator

2 992 Téléchargements

wjordan213-csvlint 0.2.8

CSV Validator

2 940 Téléchargements

best-movies-ever-cli-gem 0.1.0

100 Best Films according to Rotten Tomatoes

2 493 Téléchargements

bestselling_games 0.1.0

This gem allows you to list Gamestop's best selling games for each system, and the deta...

2 427 Téléchargements

newegg_top_games 0.1.0

A CLI for viewing the top selling games on

2 382 Téléchargements

nyt_fiction 0.1.2

Provides information on the current bestsellers

2 295 Téléchargements

restaurant_crawler 0.1.0

A simply web crawler.

2 280 Téléchargements

web-potato 0.0.6

Web Potato browses his favorite sites and tells you what is hot.

2 050 Téléchargements

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2 008 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 10 171 026

Pour cette version 9 546 655



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
