RubyGems Navigation menu

open4 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 open4

rake-pro 0.1.2

Adds support for key/value store with template expansion, ssh tunneling, local and remo...

5,037 下載

conchology 0.1.0

Conchology provides a friendly wrapper for Open4 to run one-off commands while provid...

4,993 下載

serial-watcher 0.2.1

Soft to watch serials :)

4,948 下載

langalex-cijoe 0.0.1

CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.

4,810 下載

hodor 1.0.2

Hodor is a ruby-based framework, API and Command Line Interface that automates and simp...

4,793 下載

ktheory-vlad 2.0.0

Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...

4,790 下載

lonnon-jekyll 0.6.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

4,779 下載

honkster-braid 0.6.2

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

4,754 下載

isst-vlad 2.0.1

Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...

4,721 下載

rtimeout 1.0

For timing out system commands.

4,617 下載

fpauser-rake-remote_task 2.0.3

Vlad the Deployer's sexy brainchild is rake-remote_task, extending Rake with remote tas...

4,604 下載

geist 0.1.0

Geist is a Git-backed key-value store that stores Ruby objects into a Git repository.

4,574 下載

vj-player-sdk 0.4.5

Videojuicer Player SDK runtime and compiler to create and build Player Addons.

4,567 下載

half_shell 0.0.3

a bit cleaner than built-in methods of executing commands and less complicated under th...

4,562 下載

fpauser-vlad 2.2.0

Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Mu...

4,552 下載

tsion-jekyll 0.5.5

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

4,538 下載

webget_gemini 1.2.3

WebGet Gemini: provides gem initial setup method to see if a gem is installed

4,533 下載

webget_commander 1.0.1

WebGet commander gemp provides Ruby Kernel#commander sugar for Open4::spawn

4,523 下載

snake_eyes 0.1.3

Snake Eyes is a fork of CI Joe, a simple Continuous Integration server.

4,488 下載

webget_ruby_commander 1.0.2

WebGet Ruby Gem: Provides Ruby Kernel#commander sugar for Open4::spawn

4,452 下載

Voker57-reploy 0.0.1

Simple tool for automation deployment

4,441 下載

universe-common 0.1.1

gem install universe-common

4,423 下載

ccup 0.0.1

Verification tool for DevCon Code Challenge Cup

4,391 下載

cocoapods-square-stable 0.19.3

Fix copy resources script for iOS < 6 & Fix UTF-8 on install for Ruby 1.9.3

4,356 下載

ey-vendored-backup 3.0.27

[Modified to vendor Fog 1.8.0] Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating sys...

4,231 下載

hostlint 0.0.1

hostlint client

4,168 下載


Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...

4,128 下載

sixarm_ruby_commander 1.1.0 » Ruby » Kernel#commander method sugar for Open4::spawn

3,962 下載

bastos-gary 0.1.0

A Web Presentation Creator with Markaby

3,907 下載

videoreg 0.1

Video Registration scripts. Allows to register continuously

3,896 下載

總下載次數 98,398,031

這個版本 86,980,624



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
