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open4 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 open4


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

13,036 下載


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

12,486 下載

guard-ocunit 0.1.3

Guard::OCUnit automatically runs your OCUnit(SenTest) tests

12,478 下載

qrush-jekyll 0.5.1

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

12,467 下載

naeu-jekyll 0.7.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

12,327 下載

engineyard-jenkins 0.5.1

Run your continuous integration (CI) tests against your Engine Yard AppCloud environmen...

12,115 下載

flex_cocoa 0.0.4

To do

12,038 下載

montage 0.4.0

Even Rocky had a montage.

11,999 下載

plllayer 0.0.4

plllayer is an audio playback library for Ruby. It is a Ruby interface to some external...

11,984 下載

automate-it 0.9.2

AutomateIt is an open source tool for automating the setup and maintenance of servers, ...

11,673 下載

spectator-emacs 0.2.4

spectator-emacs is a Spectator extension that provides discreet notificatoins in the ...

11,662 下載

ruby-lvm 0.1.1

This is a wrapper for the LVM2 administration utility, lvm. Its primary function it to ...

11,521 下載

tap_dance 0.0.4

Manage your OSX binaries on a per project and system basis. Powered by Homebrew, inspir...

11,473 下載

monkeybox 0.0.3

monkeybox runs ruby code in another ruby process, so that you're completely safe from m...

11,470 下載

aleksi-rack-perftools_profiler 0.0.4

Middleware for profiling Rack-compatible apps using perftools.rb

11,429 下載

ruby-xen 0.1.0

ruby-xen allows you to manage Xen virtual servers via Ruby. It currently wraps the com...

11,336 下載

s3file 0.2.1

Use methods similar to the File class of Ruby to interact with the S3 objects of your A...

11,284 下載

rbbt-sent 1.0.2

Use literature mining to find semantic features to describe clusers of genes

11,282 下載

image_genie 0.4.0

ImageGenie - Simple Wrapper for command line ImageMagick

11,262 下載

telepath 0.1.0

Sorta like IPC for people to GTD.

11,253 下載

pullbot 0.0.5

Auto pull git repository and bundle ruby gems

10,953 下載

enumstats 0.0.3

Adds simple stats like average, variance and standard deviation to Enumerable

10,859 下載

rack_check 0.2.5

Tool that checks a Ruby application server for Rack compliancy

10,831 下載

portvcs 0.0.3

FreeBSD ports commits history viewer that doesn't require neither local ports tree nor ...

10,810 下載

elevage 0.1.4

Command line tool to automate the provision and bootstrap of chef managed nodes, tiers,...

10,796 下載

jroes-jekyll 0.5.4

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

10,581 下載

nuex-vlad 1.3.5

Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...

10,442 下載

norbert-braid 0.5.1

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

10,408 下載

tlb-testunit 0.3.1

TLB ruby implementation base, which provides support for load balancing tests written i...

10,360 下載

nickstenning-outback 0.0.4

Run pairs of rollout/rollback tasks in a transactional manner.

10,311 下載

總下載次數 98,021,011

這個版本 86,608,161



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
